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Dayu is looking at me. He is waiting for my opinion before making a decision about his father's ultimatum for him to choose between me and his Feng family.

Because we are a unit. We don't make decisions as separate now. We make decisions together.

"Can you leave us alone?" I asked our family. "Dayu and I have to talk,"

"Wang Qing," my mother looked alarmed.

"Please..." I said.

Mr.Feng stared at me. I nodded at him. Lao also looked worried but I nodded to him too. Asking him to trust me. He nodded his understanding and was the first one to leave. Chong followed him.

Dayu's mother and my mother came out hand in hand. Dayu's father followed. The King, my father, is the last one who left. He gave me a warning look that I heeded.

When we are alone I smiled at Dayu. "Let's give in to your father this time," I said. "He is...he had been patient these last few days of you being kidnapped. I owe him much. But I am not giving up," I stated that clearly on him.

"I am thinking the same way. Baba is not angry at you. He just...I don't know. I didn't know that he and the King had that kind of agreement."

"I didn't know too. I will talk to my father about that. You father doesn't trust my father..."

Dayu's eyes widened, "No..."

I smiled, "Yes. I was surprised too when I learned about it. But there..." I sighed and kiss his left hand in my hand. On his right hand, an IV line was there. Dayu needs to rehydrate. "Was it too hard? Being with Shunu?"

Dayu sighed and nodded, "Not physically. I am usually handcuffed to a chair or tied down. But mentally, it's hard. She barely sleep. She mumbled a lot. She hates me. Detest me. She wants me gone. Then she will look at me and smile and say that she likes me and will not kill me. It's like dealing with a person with a mask. She will take it off then put it on again. Everything happening in front of me. I pity her then just give up on her. Pity her again. Get angry with her. Emotionally and mentally, it's torture. There are times I would choose to sleep just to escape her..."

"I'm sorry, love. I will clean this all up..."

"Is that why you want to give in to my father. So you can clean everything without me distracting you?" Dayu looks serious but his tone is teasing.

I nodded, "You are a distraction," I said as I slid closer to kiss his chaffed lips. Dayu needed rest. If I will drag him to the circus Shunu started, it will just tire him some more.

No. Dayu better hide first with his father. Mr.Feng will keep him safe. After Chong finished the assignments I gave him, he can follow Dayu to look out for my Consort. While I will stay to calm everything down with Lao's help.

Ironic, because this all started with me wanting to protect Shunu from the circus life of being a Royal. But in the end, she created a bigger circus show that I have to clean.

"But we will not give up, right?" Dayu gave me a somewhat fearful look. I nodded. "Never. We will never give up," I kissed him again.

Dayu smiled at me. His ribs are bandaged. It will need at least two weeks to heal. Our wedding is scheduled ten days from now.

I guess we have to push back a little to wait. But that's okay. We cannot get married as things stand now. We have a lot of things to straighten first. Dayu and I can wait.

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