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24 hours since the kidnapping

My phone rang. I stopped looking forlornly at Chong, unmoving and so still as he sleeps, and answered it. Even if it's an unregistered number.


"Hello, Lao ge. It's me..."

I almost dropped my phone. "L-li Yi ah?" I cannot believe that I am talking to Li Yi.

"I...I saw the news. Baozang and the Prince's Consort...I...I want to help. If I can help..." she sounded so small on the other line.

"Li Yi ah..."

"I know addresses. Heise's hideouts. Maybe he took Baozang in one of them." Li Yi added.

Addresses! Addresses! That will be...

"Yes! Give them to me! No! Can you email them to me. Or send them via text?"

This is the first break we will have about this case. Baozang and Dayu disappearing like smoke is killing everyone in the Palace. No calls were received. No one is demanding anything from the Royal Family.

And that is scary.

If they only want money, that will be easy. But no. These people who took Baozang and Dayu are not after money. Qing is going out of his mind.

"I can...just that...Lao ge...can you update me? Will you call me if you rescued Baozang?" Li Yi asked in a scared tone. "This is my new number. I'm sorry, I know I am shameless for demanding things but...can you call me once Baozang is safe?"

"Li Yi ah..." we all know how close and sweet Li Yi and Baozang to each other. Then this Heise person had happened to them. "Yes. I will call you,"

"Okay...thank you..." Li Yi sounded relieved. "I have to go so I can email you those addresses. Thank you, Lao ge..."

She ended the call. I go back to sitting beside Chong's bed. Chong had been sleeping for twenty four hours now. The man who rarely sleep for six hours straight is now sleeping like he won't wake up.

"Chong ah...wake up," Tears swam in my eyes. "D-dayu ah is in danger. Chong ah..."

Chong can save Dayu. He had saved Dayu a lot of times already. But now, Chong is asleep. Qing is going crazy. I feel like I am fighting this thing alone. I escaped the Palace and Qing for a while to have some rest so I came here to watch over Chong.

Li Yi calling and promising addresses of Heise hideouts can be a trap or a big prank but I don't care. At this point, I will take anything. We are absolutely zero on ideas on how to find two Royals in a country that is so big.

"Chong ah..." As I took Chong's cold hand my phone beeped. I opened it and there is a notification of a new email coming in.

Li Yi. She has sent the addresses she promised. I felt my lips splitting in a smile. This...this may help or not but, it's a break.

I smile at Chong. "Chong ah! We have addresses! Will you really stay here and let me and Qing be the heroes to save the Princess and Dayu? Wake up! Huh!" I lean down to kiss his dry lips. "There! I already kissed you. Wake up already, okay? I will be right back."

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