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For a Royal standard, our wedding and wedding reception is simple and more solemn compared to the other Royal weddings that happened here.

After everything we went through, our wedding is almost anti climatic.

But I love it. I genuinely adore our simple wedding.

My grandparents wedding is still the most lavish and memorable wedding, it was celebrated for a whole month before it actually happened.

My parents' wedding reception is the stuff of legend with almost one thousand attendants that lasted for almost half a day with over fifty different dishes served.

Mine and Dayu's wedding reception is simple in comparison to those. For one, this reception will only last for three hours. Two, we only have three hundred attendants. Three, we will only serve a full seven course meal. Dayu is even joking that he has to stand up and leave when the desert was served. My mother blushing is an indication that my husband is teasing his mother in law.

The highlight of our wedding reception is our first dance. We danced to the song that was used when my grandparents had their first dance as a married couple too. My parents also used this song. Like I said, Dayu and I embraced our family's traditions. This dance is one of them.

Having Dayu in my arms. Him leaning against me as we sway to the slow melodious tone is the highlight of my day. He is mine now. No one can take him away from me.

Dayu will lean out and look up at me and smile. His eyes sparkling in joy. I will look into his eyes and be lost on his happiness. That is enough for me. Dayu is safe and happy, I could live in this moment forever.

"Thank you," he said as other couples joined us in the middle of the dance floor.

"For what?" I frowned at him. "I should be the one thanking you,"

Dayu's smiled brightened a bit more, "For this feeling," he said. "For this moment. For this day. Thank you. I feel like a bomb can fall on us and I will still be happy..."

I laughed, "Do you wish a bomb to fall on us?"

"No!" His eyes widened as I laugh some more. "You know what I am saying. This here,'s like a Titanic moment. When old Rose died and she goes back to the happiest moment of her life, in that boat with Jack. That moment. I feel like, when I die, I will go back to this moment. Me, with you, dancing..." his voice broke a little at the end of that speech.

"Shhh," I pulled him closer and kiss his temple as he leaned heavier on me. "Why are you crying?"

"I am happy, that is why..." he said. "You can't understand?" Dayu sounded worried.

"No, I understand..." My eyes went to my grandmother who nodded at me. I finally understand what she meant when she said she wanted to dance with her King. She meant this moment, when she danced with my grandfather in their wedding day.

I felt tears pricked my eyes and I hugged Dayu tighter. "Let's do that..." I whispered to his ear.

Dayu lean out to look at my face again, "Do what?" He wipe the tear on my eye before it can escape. My Consort, doesn't want others to think their Prince is a crybaby.

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