Start of Seduction

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Wang Qing's seduction scheme starts during breakfast.

After our morning kiss, we went to the ensuite bathroom hand in hand and barefoot to brush our teeth together. Splash water on our faces and smile at each other.

We kissed again. And kiss some more. We smile while kissing. We laugh while our lips are smacked together.

It was a perfect morning.

Then we worry about breakfast.

"I can't cook." I confessed while we walk to the kitchen of the Prince Pavilion. Qing doesn't have a full staff here. This here is his private domain and he doesn't like people here, especially in the morning so there are no other people around but us. "Actually, Chong said that saying I can't cook is a compliment. I kill food..."

Qing sighed, "Well, I can't cook either. That was not part of my training as King. Lao knew how to prepare simple dishes but that's it."

I pouted as I lean on the granite counter of the center island. "Then what will we eat? I want fried rice, dumplings, omelet, juice, if there is bacon that will be nice. Sausages will do too. I want fresh fruits with cream for desert. Hot chocolate will be greatly appreciated. Freshly baked bread with jams or nutty spread, yum yum...then finish everything with milk..."

Qing was grossed out by the time I was finished describing my dream breakfast. He is partly wincing, partly grimacing and it looks like he is close to gagging.

"What?" I asked him, puzzled at his reaction.

Qing shook his head. "Nothing. I just think that my salary is not enough to feed you if you will demand that many food..."

I frowned, "Really? I thought you are rich..."

Qing sighed, "Fine, I can afford the cost of those food but I don't think I can watch you eat all of them in one sitting,"

I grinned, "My parents used to joke that I have a blackhole for a stomach. Everything disappeared and I still want more,"

Qing laughed, "I don't think they are joking," he said.

"Hey!" I pouted and feel a little offended.

Qing walked and stop in front of me. He lean closer and closer and I bit my lip in excitement that he will kiss me again. I close my eyes and slightly pouted my lips, ready to receive his kiss. But he bypassed my lips to reach something behind me. I open my eyes in surprised that no kiss came.

He grinned, knowing all too well that I expected him to kiss me. "Well, we both can't cook so maybe we can start with this..." he raise his hand and present a banana on my face.

I laugh. Oh boy he is hilarious.

"That's it? That's you great seduction plan? To eat banana in front of me and what...will you swallow it whole to show me that you have no gag reflex and show me how great you are in swallowing long things..." I laugh again. He is being pathetic. "Not very original Qing. What movie did you watched to picked that lousy technique?"

Qing frowned. Absolute confusion on his face. "What are you talking about? I thought you like bananas. You said in that slumbook, I asked what is your favorite fruit and you said bananas. Am I wrong? You don't like bananas?"

I feel like a bucket full of icy water was poured into me. For a moment, I was numbed all over. Cold too...

"You mean..." I swallowed. "You want us to eat fruits for breakfast..."

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