A New Deal

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The Engagement Ball lasted for four whole solid hours. How those hours passed, it was a bit blurry for me but I know, in those four hours I feel happy.

Such a simple word. Happy. Because you cannot explain what you feel, and if your elaborate it, it will just be confusing so you make it as simple as possible. What do you feel?


I kept on smiling. I can't stop smiling even if I want to. When I look at Qing, I smile. When we dance, I smile. When we kiss, I smile and when he tried to sing with me...I laugh.

Qing has a voice but not the patience for singing. His singing and the background music won't sync. Qing is too fast for the tune.

But I love him for trying. And I know he did it to make me happy.

This day...I know this will not be the most memorable day of my life but, it feels really special. I will not trade the memories of this day for anything.

The day Qing and I announce to the world and he is mine and I am his.

When we marry, we will cement this moment. But for now, this promise of us being together will be enough for me.

"Tired?" He asked me while we walk hand in hand to the Prince Pavilion. After we sent the last guests on their way, Qing decided to take me to his lair and not back to the Queen's wing.

"No," I smile at him. "I feel...alive? Energized? I could still run around this whole garden!"

He laughed and put an arm around my shoulder. It's just us. Lao and Chong, our shadows abandoned us. I don't know what they are doing but Lao said to just enjoy.

Something is wrong with Lao. He is telling us to enjoy. Him? Lao? But I will not think about Lao at this moment. I will focus myself to my fiance.

I giggled.

"Oh? You sound so happy? Why are you giggling?" Qing stopped walking to tilt my head upward. I giggled again.

"Fiance," I feel my face heating up. Qing laugh out loud. "Wow! Why do I feel ashamed for you? Why are you so cute like this?"

We laugh together. Qing lean down and I meet his lips halfway. A simple kiss. Something sweet. Something that can melt my heart.

"I love you," Qing run his thumb on my cheek. "Thank you Dayu..."

"Me too. Thank you," I happily stood on tiptoe to put my arm on his shoulders and kiss him again. Qing smile against my lips.

Then we walk again until we arrived at the door of the Prince Pavilion. I was about to enter but Qing stopped me. "Let me carry you," he said.

My eyebrow shoot up, "Like a bride?"

Qing nodded. "Why?" I whined.

"I want to. Please..." he gave me a puppy eye look. I laugh at him. "Wow! Why do I feel ashamed for you? Why are you so cute like this?" I even pinch his cheek a little.

"So yes?" He wriggle his brows at me.

I sighed then nodded. He smile widely before crouching to put his arms on my back and at the back of my knees.

A Royal EngagementWhere stories live. Discover now