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"I am fine," I said to Qing as I talk to him on the phone when he called me. "I am helping Mama cook lunch. Will you eat with us...what?" Qing said something that I didn't quite catch.

"Don't go out. Stay inside. Tell your parents not to go out too," Qing sounds winded and worried from the other line. "I am coming to get you,"

I felt my heart clank in worry too. "Wang Qing, did something happened again?" I asked him in a nervous tone.

My father looked at me. I shook my head and look down. "Did something happened again?" I whispered to Qing and was about to leave the kitchen when my father's hand on my arm stopped me.

"Ahm...I will explain when I get there. Just...stay put. And don't go out. Stay away from the windows too. I am on my way. I will call again when I am outside your home. Don't worry, Dayu..." then the call ended.

I was in shock when it ended so suddenly. I wanted to smack Qing's head. Don't worry? Did he just told me not to worry? How can I do that when he sounded so frantic? Telling me not to go out or even get near the windows. What?

"Did something happened?" My father asked. I swallowed, "I don't know. Qing is on the way. I am also confuse..."

My father nodded. I look at my Mama who took my hand and squeezed it gently to comfort me.

I decided to sit on our dining table with my father as my Mama continued cooking. The clock ticking on the wall of the kitchen looks like it's mocking me as minutes passed and I wait for Wang Qing to arrive.

Then my phone rang again. It's Qing, "Hello?"

"I am outside," Qing's voice sounded more calm.

"Okay, I will be out." I press the end button and smile at my parents. "Qing is outside." I said before running to the main door.

I went out and smile when I saw Qing standing outside our gate. I walk hurriedly to open it and admit Qing, and Lao...and Chong inside our yard.

I also saw two Palace security cars aside from the marked car of the Crown Prince. Qing had too much security with him. Why?

Something is really wrong if the security detail is like this.

"What is going on?" I asked Qing as we walk together to get to the main door of my parents' home. My father is standing on the door. Looking at us critically.

"Inside," Qing said as he nodded to my father in greeting, "Sir, good..." he stopped, like he is not that sure that it's a good morning anymore.

My father admitted all of us inside the house and close the door himself. "What is going on Qing?" He asked.

"Let them have some refreshments first," my mother said while going out of the kitchen with a tray in her hand. I took it from her, the tray is laden with a pitcher of juice and glasses with ice. "Sit down," my mother said.

But no one is sitting down. Qing put an arm around my waist to keep me from his side. "Heise is missing, love." He said without any preamble.

I felt my heart dropped at that news. I stared at him, then at Chong and Lao. To see if they all come here to prank me. But no, they are all grim faced. All serious.

I gave an awkward laugh, "W-what do you mean missing? He's with the police, right? You turn him over to the police..."

"Today is the turn over. But the police transports and escorts were ambushed almost an hour ago. There was an accident..."

A Royal EngagementHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin