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He is married.

Qing married Shunu to get me back. Stupid man. Oh how I love him.

But there are bombs in this van. And if Shunu's craziness attack, she can blow this van up and Qing might get hurt. Lao and Chong too.

I will die if that happened, of course. Fuck! Chong is right, I should start looking out after myself. But since I am tied up, I think it will be a hopeless case for me.

I just wish Qing and our friends won't get hurt.

"Kiss me and I will not blow Dayu up. It's over now, anyway. We are married and I have the contract. I am your wife now. Forget about him and let's start over again," Shunu ended that speech with a pleading note.

"This is not what we talked about. You said if I married you, you will give Dayu back to me!" Qing is livid. "Now, give him to me!"

"Dayu! Dayu! DAYU! Always Dayu!" Shunu's whole body is shaking as she scream in rage. "I hate his name! Do you think of anyone else but him?!"

"Who else would I think about? You?!" Qing laughed hollowly. "One last time, Shunu. Give Dayu to me. I did my part of the deal. Now, do yours."

Shunu's face showed a lot of emotions. From sadness to hopelessness to anger and hatred.

"Qing ah, if Dayu is gone, you might love me again..."

"Give me Dayu..." Qing is not getting shaken from his objective. To get me.

Shunu finally recognized a lost cause. She now understands that Qing will never love her again. An ugly expression crossed her fully made up thin face. "Then why not just die with him?!" She screamed like a banshee.

Qing didn't answer. He just stared at her. Then he said. "Give Dayu to me. Please..." but there is not pleading in his tone. "Or blow the van already," he added.

He shocked us all. Did he just said to blow the van up? With me still inside? And him just a few feet away? Is Qing suicidal?

"You think I wouldn't do it?" Shunu chuckled. "Are you daring me?"

"Try," Qing said before he punched the man standing over the van's door that surprised that man. Chong points his guns on the nearest man to the man Qing punched. "Don't even think about it,"

Qing followed that punch with a right hook and a kick on the man's legs. When that man doubled over, Qing kicked him again and push him aside. He opened the door as he pulled out his gun and point it at the man sitting between me and him. "Give me my fiance," he said to the man. "Or I will really blow your brain. I am not kidding,"

He is not kidding.

"Wang Qing!" Shunu keeps on shouting but no one is giving her attention. Chong and Lao are intent on guarding Qing. Qing wants me.

The man sitting between us hesitated. Then he looked at Shunu. Shunu shook her head. "Don't give him Feng Jian Yu! Hong! Hong!" I think she is calling for her other guard. "Activate the bomb! Activate the bomb!"

Qing, still with his gun pointed at the man blocking his way to me, lose his patience. He pushed the muzzle of the gun on the man's shoulder and pulled the trigger. Twice.

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