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27 hours since the kidnapping...

I can feel the bite of the gun behind my head. We have practiced this. Chong had taught us this. We laughed, thinking it will surely not happen. But no, it is happening now. With my sister as the hostage.

Fuck practice. This is the real thing. I have to trust Lao. He had the steadiest hand in all of us. I have to trust him and just ready him for that shot.



As I shout and duck so Lao can take his shot at Heise, my eyes stayed on Baozang's face. Our eyes meet. Then Baozang eyes widened as a loud "BANG" filled the sudden quiet lobby of the hotel.

Lao had fired his gun.

Heise screamed as the bullet from Lao's gun pierced his hand that is holding the gun he is pressing on my sister's head.

That gun fell on the floor.

Lao and I moved. We run to Baozang and Heise. I grabbed my sister away while Lao punched Heise's face who keeps on screaming as his hand bleeds like a slaughtered pig on the hotel floor. I think Lao's bullet broke the bones in Heise's palm.

I kicked Heise's gun away as Lao kept on punching the man. The police forces and security personnels from the Palace surged in to help Lao captured the thrashing Heise.

His hand must hurt like a bitch.

"Where is Dayu?! Where is he?!" Lao kept clutching Heise's collar even when two policemen already neutralize Heise.

I hugged my sister tight as Baozang cried in my arms. I tilt her head to take the gag away. "You are safe now. You are safe now," I tearfully hugged her.

"Qing ge!" Baozang cried harder.

"Where is Dayu?!" Lao kept on asking Heise who is shouting a different thing while he was being subdued and held by the police.

"Baozang ah! Baozang ah! You are mine! BAOZANG AH!!!"

"Lock him! Take him to the Palace!" I shouted my order so it can be heard over the chaos. I kept my tight hold on my sister who is still crying.

"Lao!" I called my friend. Lao came to us. Baozang let me go to cry and hug Lao. "Lao ge!" She sobbed hard.

"Qing," Lao looked tired already. "Dayu..."

"I will turn this whole place to find him and..."

"He is not here! You will never find him!" Heise shouted while he kneels on the floor, hands on his shoulder to keep him kneeling while another police tend to his bleeding hand. We cannot have him die in blood lost. Not until we have Dayu.

"What do you mean he is not here?" I moved to walk to him but Baozang held me. "Don't," she begged. "Don't come near him, Qing ge..."

"Baozang ah!" Heise screamed again. "Baozang ah!!!" He started struggling again but the policemen had a tight grip on him.

"Take him to the Palace!" I ordered again. I look at the security personnels who came as our back ups. "Search this whole place! Turn everything! I don't care! Find my Consort! Now!"

They all bowed and followed. Running to start searching...

"Your Highness!" The manager of the hotel came to me. "You cannot do this! Destroy our club,"

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