Breakfast in the Afternoon

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Surprisingly, I slept so well last night in my room in the Queen's wing. I think my mind agreed with my body and they formed one conclusion.

Dayu is tired. Let's give him a pass and let him sleep well tonight.

And that's what happened. I slept so well I didn't realize that I slept for a whole 16 hours. When I woke up, it's to see Qing gazing down on me. He smiled...

"Hello, Sleeping Beauty."

I smiled back at him, "Hey you, good morning!" I stretched my arms and legs.

Qing chuckled, "It's actually good afternoon. It's already 4pm Dayu..."

"What?!" I sat up fast and gaze at the ancient wall clock. It reads 4:27, I look at the window and saw that it's bright outside. There is no way that there will be lights outside if it's 4:27 in the morning.

"What happened? Why did I wake up so late?" I asked Qing.

"The doctors said it's your body's way of pushing the stress away." Qing held one of my hand.

I blanched, "Y-you have to call the doctors? Again?"

Jeez, I am not in the hospital anymore yet doctors still check up on me!

Qing nodded, "The whole family agreed about it. We called them when you won't wake up after sleeping for 12 hours straight. They checked your vitals and they are all normal. The fact that you are snoring..."

"I was snoring?! They saw and heard me snoring?!" I feel devastated.

Qing chuckled, the evil bastard. "Snoring loudly is an indication of your deep sleep. Said the doctors..."

"Oh my..." I bury my face in my palms. Other people saw and heard me snore loudly. Like letting the Royal Counsel see me in that state is not yet enough.

I lay down on the bed and pulled the covers up over my head.

I heard Qing chuckling again, "Dayu ah, what are you doing?" He asked as he tugged the cover away from me.

"Go away! I will sleep some more then maybe all of this will just be a weird dream!"

Qing laughed this time. He also won the tug of war. My head was exposed again and I glare at him.

"How long have you been sitting there and watching me sleep like some creep?" I snapped at him while sitting up again.

"Since 10 am...I came home around midnight and slept here with you. Then when I woke up around eight, and you didn't woke up with me, I thought you are overtired so I let you sleep some more but ten am came and went and you have been sleeping for 12 straight hours so we called the doctors to check you up,"

"Ah! That was embarrassing!" I whined.

"No," Qing shook his head. "You are entitled to that sleep. You need it after the stress that you endured while fighting for you life..."

I fell silent when I remembered the events if yesterday.

"Did you watched the footage from the CCTV in the elevator?" I asked him.

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