The Attacker

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I ran the hallway of the police station near the hospital where Dayu is confined. Frantic to get to Dayu when I heard of an attack to him and Lao while they were inside an elevator with a policeman and a pregnant woman.

"The police was the one who attacked them, right?" I think my mind will blow up if someone will tell me that my fiance was attacked by an eight month along pregnant woman.

But still, hearing a police attacked Dayu is also enough to give me a heart attack.

What the hell?! Aren't the police supposed to be there to protect my fiance?!

"Yes, your Highness," the Palace personnel who reports to me, nodded.

"Okay," I said. "Now take me to Dayu..." I ordered my driver who immediately complied.

As I ran through that hallway, all I am praying about is that Dayu and Lao are okay. When I got to a door, I opened it hastily to see a dark room. Dayu stood up fast from a swivel chair and come into my arms.

"Wang Qing," he lean his head against my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I hugged him tight.

"Yes," is Dayu's muffled reply.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," when Dayu said that I look at Lao who nodded at me. There was a cut on Lao's jaw and his clothes are rumpled but otherwise he looks to be whole.

Chong is standing in the middle of the room, his arms crossed on his chest. He nodded at me then gesture at a glass wall. I followed his eyes and saw a man sitting on the other side of the glass wall in a policeman's uniform.

"Is that him?" I asked as I walked further inside the room with my arm around Dayu's shoulder.

"Yes," Lao said. "He was supposed to be guarding the Consort but he attacked us instead," he added in a disgusted tone.

"Is he talking?"

"No," Chong shook his head. "Aside from asking an attorney, he is not saying anything."

The investigators who are also on the room greeted me.

"You highness, his coworkers are saying that it is out of his characters to do something like this..."

"But they say there are CCTV footages on the elevator. They caught everything on tape. Have you seen it?" I asked the investigators.

"Yes," the both nodded.

"And did he really do it?"

The two investigators look at each other first before nodding, "Yes," they both said.

I stared at them. "Will you be able to investigate one of your own? I know he is your brother in profession. If you are not sure that you can handle this case objectively then I will suggest that for the police force to step out of it and I will ask another investigating body to handle this case..."

"No, your Highness." The one who spoke was the older man between the two. "We can handle this case and you can trust us that we will investigate fully and carefully so we will not miss anything."

"Good." I nodded and look at Dayu. "Let's go back to the hospital first so they check on you," I just realized that Dayu had a bruise on his cheek.

He nodded.

Chong decided to stay behind. I took Lao and Dayu back in the hospital for a check up but after that, we all decided to discharged Dayu and take him home.

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