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Teach who to be what now?!

The King choked on air while Qing paled a lot after the Queen Dowager's command for me to teach her grandson to be gay.

"Mother," the Queen gently shook her head. "That is not right. You are insulting Dayu and his gender by saying that."

"Really?" The genuine puzzlement on the Queen Dowager's face made me forgave her.

Because the Queen is right. Being gay for me is sacred. It is my sexuality. You don't teach anyone to be gay. Just like you can't force a gay man to be straight.

We are born with a sexuality. Hetero, homo, bi, trans or asexual. Contrary to what some are saying, we cannot choose our sexuality. Being gay is not a choice for me. It is me. Our sexuality is innate to us when we are born.

You can't make a gay guy out of a straight man. He is straight.

But if she is talking about me making Qing fall for me to the point that he will forget that he is straight, or forget any gender at all, now that is doable.

There are straight guys out there that falls in love with a gay man. But that doesn't make then gay too. You call them a "guy in love". Simple. Don't make it too complicated or we will all develop migraine.

"I am sorry Dayu if I offended you," the Queen Dowager apologized and gaze at me fondly.

I just nodded, letting her comment about my sexuality passed.

"Mother," the King called everyone'a attention even if he is just addressing the Queen Dowager. "I think we should leave the matter of the hearts to the Crown Prince and Dayu. Every couple's start is really unsure. But as time passed, the hearts knew what they need and want. Qing and Dayu will eventually learn what they need and want. We just have to support them. What matters now is that we are upholding my father's wish that Qing get engaged and present the one who holds his ring in public. Whether they will fall madly in love or live as friends with mutual goal to uphold the values of the Royal Family, as long as they do it together, Qing and Dayu will be fine," the King nodded at Qing and I's intertwined hands.

Qing held my hand tighter and I smiled at him. He smiled back.

The Queen Dowager nodded approvingly, "Well said my King. And I will adhere your words. I will let Qing and Dayu's hearts decide,"

I am at least grateful at that small concession from the Royal Family who is known as a family who always value their elder's opinion and suggestions.

I took a deep breath. "I think a long engagement is needed because you really need to teach me a lot about the rules and regulations of the Royal Family,"

The Queen sighed, "Where would we start?" She asked.

"From the start," I smiled shyly at their shocked faces. From the corner of my eyes I saw Qing mightily holding his laughter.

Both Queens sighed. The King cleared his throat. "My Queen, maybe the children has a point. A long engagement will be beneficial to them. Plus Dayu is right, we have to accustomed the public that their Crown Prince will marry a man and not a woman. I will asked the PR Department to put out the announcement of Qing's intention to get engage on the papers tomorrow. And the two of them should start to be seen in public together at the earliest possible time. Maybe next week?"

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