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When we were young, Dayu, Lao and I, we used to make troubles and mischiefs to prank and tease the people and staffs in the Palace.

Dayu is usually the one that will come out with an idea. Lao will fine tuned it while I am the one that will plan how to execute it.

We are the dream team.

We are also the dream team when it comes to confessing our sins and accepting our punishments.

One time, when we were seven years old, Dayu had this idea that we should collect all the roses in the hothouse to present to my mother as her birthday gift, not knowing that those roses are being cared for so they will blossom perfectly for my grandmother and grandfather's wedding anniversary.

Lao said that he can pick the key to the hothouse from the gardener's shed. He will also provide the flashlights, cutting shears and a tray where we can put the roses.

I decided that we should do it at night, while the gardener is busy watching his TV and my family is busy attending to the dinner guests.

So we let that day passed perfectly. We are behaved boys. Studying and finishing our school works. Playing and even letting Baozang to mingle with us.

But when night came, the three of us sneaked in the hothouse and cut all the rose buds we can see. Red, white, peach, pink, orange...every color, every buds, we didn't leave anything but green leaves and brown branches on the pots.

Then we ran to the Palace to present the roses to my mother, then Crown Princess Meigui, as her birthday present.

The look on my grandparents and parents' faces when they saw the flowers on the tray was something you have to see to believe.

My grandmother almost fainted in dismay to see her roses all cut up to the buds.

I mean...because we only took the flowers, no stems or leaves. Just the literal flower.

My father, the Crown Prince and my grandfather, King Dao, was sorely disappointed at us.

We were taken to the King's study room to be punished.

"Did you have any idea what you have done, Wang Qing?" My father asked me. "You didn't just cut those flowers, you stole them. Stealing is a major crime..."

The three of us paled. "But it's our hothouse. And they are for mother. I didn't steal it! I will own them all one day! I will be King..."

"Enough!" My father looked ashamed at my grandfather. "Father, I am sorry...Qing doesn't know what he is saying..."

"No, my Prince. I think your son knew what he is talking about. He is a Prince. He assumes everything he sees here will be his one day." King Dao kneel in front of me. "Qing ah...does my clothes belongs to you too?"

"No, Sir. You are the King. Everything belongs to you." I said.

"Even your toys?" King Dao smiled at me. "Does your toy train belongs to me too?"

I look at Dayu and Lao who looked as confuse as me. "But those are my toys. You are big now, you don't play anymore..."

"But I am the King. And your toys are inside my Palace. If everything inside this Palace belongs to me, then your toys are mine. So is your friends..."

My friends?! My eyes widened. I pulled Dayu and Lao behind me. They are my friends. Mine!

"No," I shook my head to my grandfather. "Dayu and Lao are mine!" I felt teary as I pulled Dayu closer and hid him from my grandfather. "They are mine! Not yours!" I shouted at my King.

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