Name of the Game

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"After the surprising resurfacing of the Crown Prince's ex, his Consort, Feng Jian Yu had given a few words about the matter. Saying he hope people will not make a big deal out of it. That a kiss is just a kiss and it will not have any meaning if people will not give meaning behind it. This author thinks the Consort is being passive about the whole thing and nonchalant..."

"Is he really not threatened that the ex of the Crown Prince, a woman, has come back into the Crown Prince's life? The Prince is not gay, what are the chances that he will not leave his Consort to be to get back to the woman he loves for three years. He and Feng Jian Yu are not married yet. Nothing is still written in stones. A lot of thing can still happen. Stay tuned to this emerging drama in the lives of the country's Royal Family."

China's Daily News...


In a way I expected this. Shunu coming back to try and fight for our relationship.

But what she did last night. That was just tactless and ugly and so out of her character that I wondered if it's really Shunu who came and did that scene.

This woman, she looks like Shunu but she is not acting like the girlfriend I had for three years.

She looks classy and breathtaking in a designer grey pantsuits. Her make up perfectly applied and her hair tied to a neat ponytail behind her. As always, she looks good.

But she is not acting like the girl I know. Saying she wants us back together. Shunu is not the type to chase after a guy that dumped her. She is the type who brush herself off and leave that guy behind, not even looking at the rearview mirror. But now...

I wonder what she thinks she will gain by doing all this.

"I am getting married..." I said in unwavering tone.

"I don't care," Shunu replied determinedly. "I want you back, Wang Qing."

What? She don't care? Is she...

I laugh a little, "Well we can't always get what we want, can we? I don't want last night to happen but it happened and now, I have some explaining to do to my fiance," I glared at her coldly.

She looked taken aback at that stare, "Why are you being so cold to me?" She looked genuinely hurt.

"Because we are nothing to each other now," I said. Dayu wanted Shunu to understand where we all stand, well I will give it to him.

This is our situation. Dayu is engaged to me. We are getting married. I love him.

Shunu must understand that she means nothing to me now. Mean, but like I said, I have to put Dayu's welfare ahead of hers all the time now.

And after what she did last night. She will get no sympathy from me.

She gasped, "Wang Qing..."

"I am getting married Shunu. I am not a free man. Getting me back? That will be a bit difficult if not impossible to do. I loved you, but you and I are over now. I hope you can respect, not me or Dayu or my relationship to him, but the last three years we had together. That was good. We had a good run. But we grew apart..."

Her beautiful eyes swan in tears, "It's all my fault. I know that now..."

"No," I shook my head. "Don't make me feel like a jerk by saying it's all your fault. We shared the fault in that relationship...the both of us..."

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