Patience is a Virtue

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Unaware of the turmoil going on between Lao and Chong, I prepared for the press conference tomorrow. Baozang and I will face the media together. This will be Baozang's first appearance after getting kidnapped and that hostage scene in the kinky club.

The reason why we are both participating in this press conference is twofold. One, so Baozang will not be alone in her first interview with the media. Second, so the attention will not focus entirely on my farce wedding.

Media cannot ignore Baozang. She is a good diversion. Plus, and this is ugly, we want sympathy. Baozang and Dayu are victims. Dayu cannot face the media yet, so we opted for Baozang.

It's not too bad because Baozang said. "I am ready. I will have to face them sooner or later. Might as well do it with my brother beside me." She bravely stated.

I am proud of her.

Our family will always want to protect my sister but Dayu was right, there is an innate strength to Baozang. That she will surprise anyone who will think she is fragile and weak. No. She is a Wang. We are raised to rise to any adversary.

And that is what I will do today.

"So you are not married, your Highness?" A news blogger asked while looking at me.

"Not yet," I said. "Dayu needed rest after the kidnapping so I am afraid we have to postpone the wedding for at least another week."

"And how is the Consort? Did he suffered much in the hands of his kidnappers?"

"Not that much. Physically the doctors are guaranteeing us that he is fine. I talked to my fiance. The experience is emotionally and mentally draining for him but you have to understand, Dayu is the smartest and strongest person I know. He can withstand anything, as long as he knew he is surrounded by people who loves him. He is with his parents now, and they are showering him with love."

"He is an only child, right? How is his parents?"

"Yes," I nodded. "Dayu is an only child. And like most child, he is precious to his parents. His parents were...worried of course. It was a long four days for us. Four days but it felt like a lifetime to me and to his parents. But the most important thing now is that Dayu is safe,"

"Princess Baozang, will it be fine to you to explain to us what is going through your mind while you are in your ex fiance's captivity? I know that it's scary but aside from that?"

"Yes, thank you for saying that it's scary," Baozang smiled when the one who asked the question blushed. "Sorry. I didn't mean to say that your question is stupid. Actually, your question is interesting. What's going on in my mind while I was in Heise's hand. This is the truth and I am not kidding, I am praying. I prayed to God that I hope He can tell my stupid brother to hurry up..."

I was shocked at her answer as with the rest of the media people there. Then someone laughed. That prompted others to laugh too. Baozang smile. "I am not kidding. I feel scared, of course. But while waiting to be rescued, I found out something about myself. I am not alone. Every second while I am chained in a bed, my brother's words echoed in my head. He said, as long as he and Dayu gege are around, I will never be alone. And I was not. So I felt calmer thinking and knowing that my brother is doing everything he can to find me. And when I saw him, as Heise tried to escape with me, I was not suprised at all. Really, I am not. My first thought was, finally! You got here!"

I stood up from my chair and hugged my sister. I don't care about the flashes of the camera. I hugged my sister and she teared up. "Thank you Qing ge,"

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