Chapter 3

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Title: Bianca vs Marlon(Gym Leader Battle Part 1)


''Minun! Use Thunder!'' Bianca ordered and immediately Minun shot a massive bolt of electricity towards Mantine.

''Dodge it.'' He ordered and quickly it did.

''Thunder! Thunder! Thunder!'' Bianca ordered again and again, sweating everyone.

''Keep dodging them and use Icy Wind.'' 

Minun attempted to shock Mantine multiple times but it kept dodging in the air before it blew a weak gust of coldness towards the Minun, causing it to shake.

''Uh! No! Minun!'' 

''Alright! Supersonic!'' Marlon ordered and Mantine let out a weak screech of sonic waves, hitting the trap Minun who fell into a confused state.

''Oh come on! Minun dear! Please snap out of it!'' Bianca pleaded but Minun didn't listen as it wobbled around.

''Mantine! Hydro Pump!'' Marlon called out, and Mantine shot a massive geyser of water with strong pressure, nailing Minun directly, sending it rolling to Bianca's feet.

''Minun! Are you okay!'' Minun woke up, realizing it was out of confusion and got up weakly as Mantine remained hovered in the air smirking.

''He's good. Um.....'' Bianca tried to think for once before Marlon another order.

''Mantine, Supersonic again.'' 

Instantly Bianca came up with one, remembering how a certain rat use to battle.

''Alright Minun! Dodge it with Quick Attack and get in close!'' 

Mantine shot a Supersonic which Minun quickly avoided and started getting in close which Marlon.

''Icy Wind!'' 

''Hurry and Agility!'' Minun's suddenly vanished, avoiding an Icy Wind and latched onto Mantine's fin.

''Uh-oh! Mantine! Shake it off!'' Mantine spun in the air but Minun refused to let go.

''Use Thunder!'' Minun screeched cutely, engulfing Mantine in a powerful shock that got it screaming in pain which Marlon sweated.

''Keep it up Minun! Don't let go!'' 

''Dive to the ground and Body Press!'' Mantine glowed red and shot towards the ground and amazingly had the strength to fold in Minun with its wing, trapping it despite being shocked by one of the most powerful electric attacks.

''Tine!'' It crashed onto the land, creating a small debris which Bianca had to cover her eyes.

Everyone looked very closely until the debris slowly cleared away, revealing Mantine unconscious and looking more closer to see Minun's head sticking out from underneath its wing, also unconscious.


''Both Mantine and Minun are unable to battle! This battle is a draw!'' Skyla announced, having a fun time watching the battle.

''Mantine, you did awesome as ever.'' Marlon returned his Pokemon after praising it.

''You too Minun. Take a good rest.'' Bianca returned Minun.

''Not bad Bianca.''

''You too.''

''My 2nd Pokemon will be Jellicent!'' Marlon threw out his 2nd Pokemon, revealing the evolution of the Pokemon that nearly killed Isaiah who paled at it, noting that it was blue.

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