Chapter 149

545 14 76

Title: Prepare for Trouble!

-Chapter Start-

Lehua couldn't handle the sight of Vana who lunged towards him, ready to attack him for revenge.

It was the moment Isaiah reunited with Damian that Vana appeared and Damian learned about Lehua releasing her.

He wanted her and convinced Vana that if they join forces, she can get her revenge on Lehua which she immediately joined.

Until a Psychic stopped Vana, confusing her and everyone else until they found the source being Isaiah and his Shiny Claydol he captured and last seen since his first trial mission.

With a gesture, Claydol slammed Vana, forcing her to stay put.

Lehua ran off with Robbie holding Ralts after him.

Damian glanced at Isaiah annoyed as the latter approach him and anticipated a punch.

Isaiah's eyes turned blue, and Damian was thrown against a car, held up high and slammed down hard on the ground creating a crater.

Damian grunted, trying to break free until Isaiah picked him up and struck him in the stomach, causing blood to spill out.

Isaiah wiped his nose to find blood which he knew was the side-effect and he felt a bulging headache beginning to form.

''Happy now?'' Isaiah kneed Damian in the chin, knocking him down while Isaiah flexed his lips, containing himself now with a nosebleed, circling around Damian without glancing at him.

''What is it Damian? Never felt what it was like to be powerless?'' 

Damian didn't say anything.

''I was being genuine with you to give an opportunity. You were listening but now it explains why you were keeping a real eye on Lehua the whole time because the Lehua of your timeline suffered because of you like everyone else there. I'm a hypocrite to say that since I terrorized people my childhood, but I am going to be fucking clear here.'' Isaiah grabbed Damian's cheeks to make him look at him.

''In no fucking way that is going to happen here, not to Lehua. If only things were physical, then I would have peeled your skin while you watched, and I would dump your skinless form into a pool of lemon juice to see if that makes you tick. Lehua had enough trouble adjusting to his new life and I'm not going to stand for you to pick on him and you call him pathetic? Hah! Don't make me laugh.''

''Sounds like your babying him. He isn't going to learn a single thing.''

''That's a lot coming from you. Tell me Damian, have you learned anything? Instead of running your mouth just to get a reaction out of Lehua and let me tell you this, the difference between the two of you is that he is the one who changed a lot and you haven't, you going to pick on him just for your satisfaction, isn't that something. He's more worth than you ever will be while no one really gives a crap about a guy just screaming at your face and acting like a man child just for attention, so who's the real loser now?''

Damian got up to bump heads with Isaiah who wasn't intimidated.

''What are you going to do? Attack me? I have only been as genuine as I can to help your case instead you're making things a living hell for me. You leave Lehua alone and I will not be on your ass, got it?'' 

''I was going to leave his ass alone after I beat him like I promised.''

''A promise coming from a sociopath. Funny, get out of my face.'' Isaiah walked off from Damian who was livid.

Damian walked off, returning Vana and stomped grumbling.

Isaiah focused his attention on Jessie and Meowth.

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