Chapter 193

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Title: The Third(Major Story)

-Chapter Start-

''Venom, you better not fucking make so much as a squeal just to be a dick.'' Lehua thought.

''You can totally not trust me! Lol!''

Lehua, Kyle and Melli were walking down the halls pressed against the walls.

They made it to the floor where they last heard the Pokemon that was slaughtering every person in sight.

Lehua was basically near shitting himself, shaking like made looking at all the bodies and even the place newborns are at.

Kyle held Lehua, making sure he wasn't looking inside with the sick idea of imagining inside.

''How many fucking people are going to die in this?! I can't! I can't! We got to stop them!''

''Shouldn't we have tried going upwards since that thing is attacking one floor up at a time?'' Melli suggested, causing the two to facepalm and began running it back to the elevator.

''Fuck that, the stairs.'' Lehua ran up the stairs with them following.


''We don't exactly know where it is and we can go up through the elevator to see if there's any floors with people in them! If we go up and find a floor with survivors and we try to stop them there, what if there are people on the floor below? Going up the stairs is faster than the freaking elevator. Robbie! Use your feathers! That's better!'' Lehua ordered to which Robbie fired off dozens, all heading up each of the floors.

Robbie couldn't sense anything for the floors up which meant those things were killing so fast.

Robbie picked up on roars that immediately one of the doors was busted open from above and a man's corpse was sent crashing all the way down in the middle area down to the first floor.

''I'm out.'' Melli attempted to run off but Kyle stopped him.

''Dude, you said you were up for it.''

''Hey hey, to be fair, never agreed on the idea of a Pokemon that makes mice meat out of us when we can't access any of our other Pokemon?'' Melli excused, pissing off Kyle into pushing Melli.

''Why do you think? If the Poke-Ball system stopped then that means Maui is in the building. Acting all tough now running away, enough with the acts Melli! If you're just going to hold us back then get the fuck out of our face and go weeping in a corner like you have been!''

''Kyle! Be easy on Melli!''

''I told you this was a bad idea Lehua! Look at this! Now many people lost their lives because you wanted to score some pussy points!'' Kyle completely lost it, tired of this bullshit.

''Pussy...I like Anabel and she told me if we are to date, it's only a single relationship, no other girl. Besides, I just wanted to comfort a friend!''

''When we could have just waited and right after what happened now this?'' 

''Me? Look at yourself! You got involved with Team Plasma involved and what? Your dad died because of you.''

Kyle immediately punching Lehua, beating the crap out of him with Robbie and Nagant trying to stop Kyle but Samurott got in the way with Kyle ragdolling Lehua, chokeslamming him repeatedly keeping a grip on his neck.


''Don't involve me in this drama!''

Kyle threw Lehua down with the latter struggling to get up.

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