Chapter 11

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Title: Old Relics: Finale of First Adventure(1/3)

A.N: I know I said next chapter will be the last, last chapter but the next two chapters will definitely be the conclusion. I have too much words to put in so I decided to break it into three but these will come by quick.''

-Chapter Start-

Tobias side stepped, causing Isaiah to fall over hard.

''Y-Y-You was you who took the Magma Stone and risked everyone's life. For what? Just to find a way to talk with me?'' Isaiah snarled, getting himself up to lunge towards Tobias with another fist which he effortlessly caught again and began squeezing it hard, making Isaiah scrunch in pain.

When looked at closely, it could be said Isaiah looked much like a younger version of Tobias.

''Enough Isaiah or you will get more hurt than you are now.'' Tobias warned, making the younger seethe.

Tobias let go of Isaiah who remained calm a bit before he dived in again, making Tobias sigh and he easily block his brother's hit and struck him in the stomach, causing Isaiah to crumble onto the ground, holding his stomach in agony as the older looked away.

''I had nothing to do with the theft of the Magma Stone.'' Tobias revealed which Isaiah didn't believe.

''Like I'm going to believe you. For a guy who has all these Legendary Pokemon and you so happened to be nearby through all of this. I know it was you with the shiny fossil Pokemon.'' Isaiah wheezed out.

''That is true but I have nothing to do with Heatran.'' 

''Bull....shit. Go fuck yourself.'' Isaiah kept his distance away from his older brother who eyed the Heatran who weakly open an eye.

''Darkrai, now use Dark Void.'' Tobias ordered.

Heatran got enveloped in the nightmarish sphere, causing it to fall over completely incapacitated. 

''This Heatran is weak compared to the one of Stark Mountain but I'm even surprised you and these trainers managed to do all this damage.'' Tobias said out of nowhere, getting a confused but gritted look from Isaiah.


''This Heatran is young in comparison to the Heatran I have knowledge about in Stark Mountain. It's smaller in size and its strength is just actually quite weak compared to that one, this one can at best take out 1 of an Elite Four's Pokemon while a full grown can at best take out 4 to an entire team.'' Tobias explained, taking back Isaiah who was barely getting himself off the floor.


Isaiah always thought Legendary Pokemon were far more capable of taking down an entire team of an Elite Four member and he did find it weird it was starting to get weaker in health as the battle progressed.

''This mountain was formed 2 years ago, that was because of this Heatran who appeared out of nowhere without an explanation. My only theory is that it was born many years ago deep in the lava undergrounds when the Magma Stone was first created and it took the time to grow until it reached the surface and created Reversal Mountain, judging by its behavior and size, it's still a juvenile.'' Tobias concluded, giving Isaiah the idea.

''The one we battled was a young one? That explains a lot.'' Isaiah thought.

''My apologies. I get carried away when it comes to Legendary Pokemon, like we used to together.'' Isaiah sneered at the last words in that sentence.

''So you were here to catch it then.'' Isaiah realized, making Tobias chuckle.

''What's so funny?'' 

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