Chapter 117

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Title: Dead End Ignition

-Chapter Start-

''What are you doing here?'' Isaiah hissed.

''What? Did mommy forget to give a good kiss last night?'' Jane taunted.

''I'm serious here.'' Isaiah growled.

Jane frowned.

''Oh, I'm going back to my roots that made me rich.'' 

''So that means you killed every client our sperm donor sold you to?'' 

Jane devilishly smiled.

''Why of course I have. I tortured every single of them in the ways they tortured me, it's what's fair. Except one name, meaning our sperm donor.'' 

Isaiah eyed the bodies.

''Why did you kill these guys? Aren't these your crew?'' 

''Crew? I simply hid as a prostitute but never did anything dirty with them just to get rid of the competition and take their money and equipment. I poisoned their food supply and waited, but your timing couldn't be any more perfect.''

They stared at each other for some time before remembering no one was flying the ship.

This got Jane blinking.

''Oh yeah....well fuck this.'' Jane shrugged before letting out her Gallade.

She turned her attention towards the caged Haxorus.

''That'll make me a lot so I'll be taking this one. Teleport.'' Jane ordered, grabbing onto the cell as Gallade made contact and vanished.

Instantly they were teleported to a rather grassless environment with orange and red stones, near a town.

Jane checked her GPS.

''Lentimas Town.'' A sickening feeling that nearly made her vomit as bad memories were triggered.

''You know you can't get rid of me.'' Jane and Gallade turned around to find Isaiah standing there with an army of Pokemon that she recognized were the hunters she murdered including a bag of Poke-Balls.

''What the fuck? How did you....'' She saw a Shiny Slowbro standing by Isaiah.

''How many fucking shinies do you have?!'' 

''Slowbro may seem slow but she gets the job done.'' Isaiah corrected as they turned to find the giant explosion that the airship crashed against a mountain.

He inspected the area but noticed Reversal Mountain, alarming him.

''Well son of a bitch.....'' 

Jane gestured her Gallade to ''do it'' which he teleported behind Isaiah to hack him but Isaiah slammed Aeigislash's shield against his blades, blocking his attack.

''Don't freaking test me Jane. I'm taking Haxorus.''

''How when we can teleport?''

Isaiah let out Zorua who growled, barking out menacingly.

''Weird, never seen her like this.'' Isaiah thought.

Jane couldn't help but break into snickers.

''That's your answer? What is that supposed to do?''


Jane's expression turned upside down when Gallade was affected, preventing from using any non-attack move.

''Oh you mother fucker! Fine, you want to play games? Go Drapion and Salamence.'' Jane threw out both Pokemon.

Isaiah stood tall but lowered when the army of Pokemon that he saved from the hunters and a potential death ran off in fear, leaving him with just Aeigislash, Volcarona, Slowbro, Ninetales, Zorua and Forretress to choose between.

Pokemon Journey: Fated DreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora