Chapter 79

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Title: Mission Get The Fuck Out of Alola!

-Chapter Start-

Isaiah sat quietly, staring at the Poke-Ball with a big sigh.

This was going to be hard.

He can just tell the thing was suffering but he knew trying to get it help will only attract everyone's attention towards him and the Pokemon will be put down.

His plan is to heal it when he gets home very soon so if Eelektross were to try something once fully healed, it will get jumped by all of his Pokemon.

''I'm keeping my promise to you Eelektross but if you try something, I will have to put you down.'' Isaiah whispered to the Poke-Ball before putting it up.

''Thanks Bewear.'' Bewear gave a nod as Isaiah looked around.

He realized Lehua was gone.

''He really knows how to sneak away.'' Isaiah thought.

He wanted to have a chat with Lehua.

What he saw may have been the stupidest but courageous development for Lehua.

''I can't believe I'm really considering this.'' Isaiah hoped it wasn't too bad before turning to get fisted into the mouth with honey by Bewear.

-With Lehua-

He was in a hurry towards the city after the battle.

''Eelektross has been captured. I can't believe it. I can't believe it.'' Lehua thought as he frantically entered the Pokemon Center to hand Nurse Joy Robbie who was badly injured.

She gasped at his injuries and glared.

''What were you two doing? Lehua!'' Nurse Joy treats him like a child, not just talking about Robbie but Lehua's own being.

''I just into a battle with the Totem Crobat.'' He lied.

''Crobat? I doubt a Totem would do this horrid injuries unless you really made it mad.'' 

''I sort of tried taking the Z-Crystal when it was asleep.'' 

''Lehua, we'll talk about this later.'' Nurse Joy sternly said before running to the back with Robbie.

''Please Robbie. I'm sorry I let you get beaten for my sake but please come out okay.'' Lehua panicked as he exited out to grab a bite.

''Hey buddy.'' Once he exited, an arm wrapped over his shoulder, revealing to be Tupp who along with Zipp appearing, dragging Lehua to an alleyway to meet with Rapp.

Before Lehua can say anything, he was punched in the face by Tupp who along with his two goons began stomping/kicking at him.

''You think after what you did make you think you're a badass? Fuck you bro!''

''Yeah loser! Weakling! You're gonna do that to us!'' They were referring to Robbie pulling their shorts down.

''You said it! You know it's rude to do that to a filthy hot babe like myself! Huh ugly freak?!'' Rapp taunted as the trio continued hurling insults and repeatedly began stomping on him.

Lehua was clenching himself, trying his best not to cry.

Tupp picked up Lehua by his collar, looking at him dead in the eyes.

''You don't ever fuck with the grimiest and baddest crew in the city! That's Team Skull shitface!'' Tupp punched Lehua down, dazing out Lehua's mind as everything began ringing or quaking.

They laughed at him, thinking they finally put him in his place where he rightfully deserves in their eyes.

Tupp was wiping his eyes but didn't realize Isaiah appeared from behind him.

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