Chapter 95

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Title: Final Pre-Trial Mission: Certainly Nothing Will Get in the Way, Right?

-Chapter Start-

The trio have made the trip to Hoenn in Mossdeep City, relaxing two days since the last chapter.

Of course, Isaiah didn't waste an opportunity to challenge the Mossdeep's City's Gym, consisting of twins named Tate and Liza.

Isaiah wasn't interested in competing in another league since Unova is on his mind and after that league, he won't need to take on another league, he just has a habit of collecting more and seeing Lehua earn a Rainbow Wing ignited his love for collecting.

It was him and Kyle vs their Solrock and Lunatone and to no surprise, the two destroyed the Gym Leaders with the use of Spiritomb and Samurott.

So far of the badges he has collected that aren't apart of the league he has taken, the Boulder, Thunder, Hive, Dynamo, Heat, Cliff and now Mind Badge.

''Isaiah, are you alright?'' Kyle asked, wondering what has been making Isaiah feel pale as the two weren't aware of his fear.

Isaiah hasn't talked about it.

But he might as well.

''I can't swim.'' 

The two looked bewildered.

''Hold up, you can't swim? The all-mighty Isaiah can't swim?'' Kyle taunted, thinking Isaiah was joking.

''If I tell you, it involved nearly being killed and thrown off a cliff, sinking into the ocean as a child, would you believe me?'' This stopped the two.

''Wait, for real? You literally can't swim?'' 

''I can't. I'm fine with water that I can fit in but deep water, hell no.'' 

This was going to be a massive struggle.

Before Lehua can say anything.

''Hey guys!'' Kyle and Lehua turned as Isaiah knew who it was since the two talked about it and decided to work together.

It was Destiny except she wasn't in her magical girl's uniform.

She was wearing a different outfit once, consisting of a school swimsuit with shorts with a jacket around her hips along with shorts, reminding Lehua of Lana's attire.

''Hey Kyle! Hey awkward sister to sister hentai watching weirdo!'' Destiny teased Lehua who blushed.

''I'm breaking your laptop after we're done in Alola.'' Isaiah informed Lehua who was shaking.

''So, are we going to do this Isaiah?'' Destiny asked.

''Wait, you're joining in?'' Kyle asked Destiny nodded.

''There were three different missions broken within the remaining 1200 participants, so Isaiah and I ended up with the Relicanth mission. I'm so excited, imagine the two of us as teammates! Nothing will get in our way!'' Destiny grinned.

Isaiah was just surprised to see her eyes completely open so constantly, revealing they lost the sparkle like her father has, revealing them to be purple. 

Something seemed really different about her.

''Oh yeah, didn't you two get the memo?''

''What memo?''

This made her roll her eyes.

''I'm 13!'' 

''Oh, since when?'' 

''Uh, just yesterday.''

''Oh, we were busy.'' 

''You guys are such buzzkills. No cake, a happy birthday or a present? Meh.'' Destiny rolled her eyes before hopping towards the boats with her hands held together behind her back.

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