Panic Attack

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A/N: Here is the third chapter! I'm sorta excited for this! 

Backstory: Hailee got the job of Kate Bishop and her and her girlfriend, Y/n has been helping Hailee with eating the right foods, working out and getting up early, and would sometimes sneak attack her as Kate Bishop was one of Y/n's favourite characters in the comics. 


Y/n woke up earlier than usual and sighed as she sat up slightly and wiped her forehead and groaned slightly, she had a nightmare and it had been the same one that had been bothering her every since she had headed to her grandad's. Seeing him... dead on the floor. Her being attacked and held at knife point.

Ever since then, it'd change her but Hailee had been to caught up with her work to even notice. She didn't mind though, she wanted to keep it that way. Hailee felt Y/n's movements and woke up,

"You okay, baby?" Hailee questioned, Y/n turned to her.

"Oh, shit. Sorry. I-I didn't mean to wake you up."

"No, don't apologise. What's up?"

"J-Just parched. I'm getting a drink of water." She dismissed before she quickly got up and rushed out of the room so that Hailee wouldn't ask any questions. And with her judgement, she laid backdown and shut her eyes, Y/n arrived in the kitchen and placed her hands on the counter and began to hung her head down as she felt sick and was almost as if she could hear her heartbeat. She forced her eyes shut and sighed, she felt arms wrapped around her stomach. Y/n pushed her back and grabbed a knife and pushed the person back before she pointed it vertically against the person's throat before she let out a small gasp to see Hailee. "O-Oh my god. I-I'm—" She set the knife down and moved back with her hands on the back of her head. "SHIT!" She exclaimed angrily and punched the wall as Hailee stared her down, shocked but more worried and confused; Y/n sat herself down on the ground and rested her back against the cupboard door, she was breathing heavily, angry at herself.

Hailee kneeled down as Y/n moved her knees up and tried to calm her breathing down however it was more increasing which scared her more.

"Hey, shhh, it's okay. You didn't mean it." Hailee dismissed calmly as she cupped her face and stroked her cheekbone, Y/n rushed her hands to Hailee's arms and tried to calm down however she couldn't believe what she just did. "Hey, try to relax okay? I'm not hurt, look— look at me." Hailee ordered, Y/n looked at her as a single tear before many fell down her cheek. "It's okay, it's okay. You're okay. No one's going to hurt you." She calmly said as she began to shake her head. She began to hug her and Y/n tried to force her way out of it, "No, no, you're gonna try. But no, just—just let me help. Shhh, you're okay." Y/n let out a small sob as she tried to move but Hailee grasped both of her wrists and held it on either side of her and moved her legs opened and moved between them, "You're gonna be okay. No one's hurting you on my watch, k? I promise you." She expressed as Y/n began to slowly cry, she fought her wrists out of Hailee's grip and latched herself onto Hailee. Hailee held her close and rubbed her back. "Baby, what happened?"

"I-I had... a-a night... mare..." She heaved out nervously, as she began to pinch her wrists but Hailee knew and slowly moved her hands away from one another,

"Hey, let's not do that. Okay?" She asked delicately. Y/n looked down, not wanting to meet Hailee's eyes, "Talk to me, what was the nightmare about—?"

"W-We have to get up soon." Y/n dismissed as she got up and tried to leave but Hailee stopped her and moved in front of her and held her against one pillar.

"Y/n..." She breathed out, "I'd be a fool if I just dismissed this. What's going on?" Hailee curiously asked, just because she hadn't been asking doesn't mean she wasn't paying attention as turns out, she had notes in a little notebook of what's been going on. Noting down Y/n's behaviours and if she had a loss of appetite, if she had been avoiding food and water. Y/n went to move but Hailee moved her back down lightly, "Please? Will you just talk to me?"

"I—" She sighed, "It was dumb. It doesn't m-matter. Ok? I'm tired." 


"Time. To sleep... Hailee." She stated and sneaked under one arm but Hailee moved her entire body in the way, Y/n sighed and looked down. "I'm tired... please?"

"Fine. But we're talking about this in the morning." Hailee sighed out, the two walked back to the bed and Y/n hung around near the edge while Hailee stayed in the middle as always but felt upset, she knew that Y/n struggled to open up and she hated how she sometimes gave in.


(Hours later)

Y/n woke up and felt a slightly tight grip around her hips, she looked and saw Hailee. The two locked eyes,

"Did you sleep—?"

"I didn't sleep. I couldn't..." She breathed out,

"Why...?" She breathed out, hoping that it wasn't about her but she knew deep down that it was.

"You know why, I'm worried about you..." Hailee quietly said to Y/n, who clenched her jaw.

"I'm fine... uhm, I think we need too—"

"No, I called my manager asking for a day off. We're having a day off."

"What? W-Why?" She questioned confused, Hailee sighed and held her closer, 

"I want you too be okay."

"And I'm fine. It was just a nightmare—"

"And a panic attack. And don't dismiss it. It's important." 

"I just want to sleep..." She groaned out,

"But you just woke up...?"

"I know! I know, but I'm so exhausted." She complained as she closed a further gap between the two and began to tuck her head into Hailee's neck. "I'm not going anywhere." She sighed out, the two stayed in bed and Y/n had managed to avoid it for quite sometime but it was almost at every movement that she made, Hailee watched and asked if she was okay.

Y/n didn't mind though, if it assured her and helped her, then she understood.


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