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A/N: Nadine x Reader

This one-shot is based on a book that I'm reading, it's called: 'Last Night at the Telegraph Club', I recommend it. It's a lesbian lover book. So, of course I'm enjoying it and the main character's love interest's name is Kathleen! THAT'S MY NAME! I got so excited. But anyway, the author is Malinda Lo. And I recommend. It's based in America 1954 which I also love because I love things based in the 1900s or 1800s.


Summary: Nadine gets put in a group project with her Krista and Erwin and another person, she instantly clicks with one of the girls yet Krista isn't so keen on Nadine hanging around her.



Nadine's POV:

I'm in Health class right now and I'm really bored, it's the second day of the year and I already want to go home or simply leave school but I already know that Mona wouldn't let me leave school early, she'd probably give me some bullshit excuse about how it could affect me later on in life, like getting made fun off for not staying on the whole 4 years.

Yeah, right. Who cares? It's school. Not like whatever they teach me is actually necessary in life, I mean the basics are but when it comes to shit like how to figure out the equation of a line. Like what? No. No. I don't care about that at all. It's dumb, just like a lot of things in my life. On the one hand though, at least I have Krista and Erwin. 

"Sorry that I'm late everybody." The teacher, Mr Finn, starts as he walks in and shuts the door, the room fills with groans and huffs as we were hoping for the 15 minute rule to happen (A/N: If you don't know the 15 minute rule, basically, at my school anyway, if the teacher doesn't show up in 15 minutes, then the class gets that period off and it's a free period. I don't know if any other schools do that, lemme know). It bothers me as Mr Finn is not exactly the best teacher when it comes to Health class as he is really awkward. Especially with Female Anatomy when it comes to sex.

Such a stupid thing for someone to coward over. Sex. Bleh. Everyone makes it such a big deal and the school doesn't make it any better as they only talk about how to prevent it. Not about how beautiful it can be - not that I've had sex before but—

"Hi, sorry I'm late, sir." A girl who I've never seen before apologises, she shuts the door behind herself and gives him a light smile,

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Mr Finn asks her, 

"Y/n. Y/n L/n." She answers, I can hear the boys muttering behind me about how beautiful she looks or how 'tall' she is. She only looks around 5'7. Yet I have to admit, she is a very beautiful woman.

"Ah, of course. You got moved from Miss Hart's class, correct?"

"Yeah." She answers shyly, I can tell that she just wants to sit down instead of standing up, waiting to be told that she can be seated.

"Take a seat. Anywhere." He tells her, she nods her head and quickly rushes over to a seat, the seat that so happens to be beside me. I glance at her as she doesn't even bother to get anything out, she simply just sits there, slightly slouched, her legs open. Her right hand between her legs and her left hand resting on her right forearm. I hear her sigh lightly and force her eyes shut for a moment, before opening them and letting her shoulders fall. 

I turn back to the teacher, him going through a powerpoint before 4 questions on the board appears. Oh, god, here we go.

"You will go off in groups of 4. The people in your row and answer the 4 questions, one of you will be the writer, one of you will be the presenter and the extra two can simply build conversation and possibly you can find new friends. Enjoy fuc— I mean students." He grins out, hoping for a laugh however all he got was silence. He huffs and lets his shoulders fall, "Why do I even bother?" He says to himself and sits down, freezing the powerpoint on the board then probably going to play poker on his laptop like he's done on so many occasions.

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