Christmas Dinner

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Y/n has recently moved in with Hailee and they spend Christmas together but when they have dinner with friends and family, it gets a little awkward.





Y/n woke up to feeling something shaking her arm, she let out a small groan and turned away. She let out a small groan and slowly opened her eyes, she saw Hailee right in her face and backed away as she fell off the bed. She stood up quickly and sighed.

"Why would you do that?" She chuckled out as she placed a hand over her heart, Hailee giggled cutely and pouted,

"I didn't mean that. I'm sorry." She apologised and let out a small giggle, "I just wanted to see if you were ready for the dinner." She giggled out, Y/n looked at her confused as she tilted her head.

"D—Dinner? What?" She breathed out and cleared her throat, "What dinner?"

"Christmas dinner, we're going over to my parents house. A few of our friends will be there?" Hailee said trying to get Y/n to remember, Y/n's mouth fell open slightly and shook her head,

"I—I don't... I don't remember, OH! Oh!" Hailee looked at her hopeful before Y/n shook her head, "No, still can't remember when you told me about this." Y/n told her and Hailee stared her down, un-amused. "When did you tell me this?" She asked confused,

"Last night, we were laying in bed and—"

"Ah! There we go, that's why I don't remember. I was half-asleep." Y/n explained which made Hailee roll her eyes, she got up and moved in front of her, the two looked at one another and Y/n nodded her head, "I'll... I'll be ready, I swear."

"Oh? You swear?" Hailee giggled out, Y/n nodded her head.

"I swear." Y/n stated, Hailee let out a small hum, she moved close to her and moved her lips close to Y/n's ear,

"We leave in 25 minutes, you have 15 to get ready. Go." Hailee told her, Y/n smiled and moved back before she turned around and walked into the bathroom; she shut the door behind her and Hailee waited on the bed. She showered and cleaned herself, she got out and dried her hair quickly, she put on her favourite cologne and went outside and put jeans on with a white shirt with a black jumper, she put her favourite rings on and grabbed the keys,

"Okay, let's go." Y/n called on Hailee, she shut her phone off and put it in her pocket and turned around and let out a small scream and stumbled back but she managed to gain her balance and placed her forearm on the wall, "I swear... I need a bell or something... my god." She breathed out as she let out a sigh in relief. Hailee giggled and wrapped her arm around her, Y/n grabbed her jacket and unlocked the door, she put it on and let Hailee go first. Hailee continued to giggle as she left the apartment, Y/n left and shut it behind her, "Ha ha, okay, that was like so funny— not." Y/n scoffed out as she turned around and locked the door, they both headed downstairs and got out. They walked over to their car and headed to the dinner.


(Skip to dinner)

It was Christmas Dinner and Hailee and Y/n were seated next to one another, they all said their prayers and everything then dug in. Y/n was being a little unsociable as she didn't like being shoved into big crowds and there a good amount of people there. She was on her phone playing a game but Hailee grabbed it,

"Hey— Ooo, thank you." She hummed out as Hailee had given her an elastic band, Y/n began to fiddle with the elastic band contently as everyone who liked soup had their soup but since Y/n wasn't that hungry and didn't really like soup, she decided not to have it. So, she just had to wait. She heard someone clear their throat but voted against looking up to see who cleared their throat and what was going on.

"Baby." Hailee whispered to Y/n, Y/n looked up at her and she tilted her head toward her mum and dad across from the two, Y/n looked at them and gave them a forced smile that looked like a real smile,

"I'm sorry, is everything okay?" Y/n asked confused,

"We were just wondering how you have been doing." Cheri reiterated, Y/n nodded her head,

"Good— Oh, I mean yeah, yeah, I'm... great..." Y/n answered as she glanced between the two nervous, she hummed, "Hmm-hmm." She hummed out before she bit her lip nervously,

"Are you sure? You're legs... bouncing." Griffin pointed out, Y/n placed her hand on her leg.

"Yeah. I'm—I'm fine." Y/n answered as she continued to fiddle with the elastic band. She let out a small sigh, "I... I have to go to the bathroom, I will be right back." Y/n informed everybody as she stood up, Hailee said something that Y/n didn't hear,

"Daddy, can you pass me the pepper?" Hailee asked,

"Sure thing." Both Y/n and Hailee's dad, Peter said. They both looked at Hailee as Hailee just covered her face and looked down, Y/n grabbed the pepper and handed it to her then rushed off to the bathroom and covered her face; she let out a small groan in annoyance and shook her head.

"I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate my life." Y/n mumbled as she shook her head,

"Ma'am, are you okay?" A girl asked as she placed a hand on Y/n's back, Y/n shot up and nodded her head.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm— I'm good." Y/n scoffed out, Hailee walked in and glared at the girl, the girl looked down and walked away, Y/n sighed and turned away from Hailee.

"Baby, what's going on? You've been acting weird all dinner." Hailee expressed as she tried to move in front of Y/n but Y/n was too embarrassed and faced away from her. "Hey, you okay?" She asked, Y/n sighed and shook her head.

"No, I just embarrassed myself." Y/n mumbled.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, barely anyone heard you. Just my parents." Hailee tried to reason with her, Y/n sighed.

"Yeah, the people that raised you only heard. That's just great." She mumbled which Hailee giggled at, she turned her around and pulled her in for an intense kiss, Y/n kissed her back as Kate placed one hand on her cheek and the other on the nape of Y/n's neck.


Sorry if this is terrible but it's Christmas! HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY! I HOPE Y'ALL HAVE AN AMAZING DAY! I HOPE YOU ALL GOT WHAT YOU WANTED! If you feel comfortable - you don't have too though, this is a safe place - you can tell me all about your day! What you got? I'd love to hear all about it!

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