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A/N: Hailee x Reader

This was requested by: _SuperMila_

Summary: Y/n thinks Hailee is cheating on you with Ella but turns out they were planning to propose and Ella was helping.



Y/N's POV:

I swear she's cheating on me, I swear to god. Hailee is cheating on me! I can feel it. I can feel it, right here in my gut. She will not stop coming home late, making up excuses and shit and guess who she is always with? ELLA FRICKEN HUNT. Now I love that gall, but she will not just seem to take a hint that Hailee is mines.

AND! I've tried everything! I've marked her neck; I've asked questions to Hailee and Ella to see if there were any romantic feelings, but they act as if I'm the dome one! Why? Who knows. Not me. I don't know. I just wanna know why she keeps coming home late, sneaking off in the morning, smiling at her phone.

I just... want.. to know! I deserve to know. Don't I?

I mean come on; all I ever want is honesty even if it hurts me. I'd rather anyone be honest than lie and walk around me as if I'm someone who needs protecting when I don't! I don't need protecting, I just want the truth but I'm not getting the truth!

I want to talk to Hailee about it but what if she just pushes me aside and thinks that I'm crazy? And dumps me and then really does go date Ella or someone else. I mean come on; I don't even know how I even got to talk to Hailee let alone be her girlfriend. PLUS! You can't even call me crazy, why? Because it's 2 a fucking m and where is Hailee? With Ella. Where? Who fucking knows. Not me. I don't know.

I just know that I want to spend more time with my girlfriend!

I hear the door unlock and open and see her wave to Ella and then turn around and see me, getting a small fright.

"Where were you?" I ask her, she shuts the door fully and locks it.

"I was hanging out with Ella." She answers,

"I can see that. But what I want to know, is how you finished work at 8... and you're not coming home till 2 in the freaking morning." I explain to her. "So, please, my dear Hailee Steinfeld. Tell me truth." I tell her to do, she looks at me confused.

"I... I don't know what you want me to say—"

"Goddamn it, Hailee, will you just admit it already?" I ask her standing up, "Just say it! Say you're cheating on me and stop lying." I exclaim, she looks at me with shock.

"What? No! No, I'm not cheating on you. My love, I only love you." She tells me and entangles our hands together. "Why would you think that?" She asks me in a soft and delicate tone. I sigh.

"Because... I— you spend all your time with her and you're coming home late! You're... You're always blaming work and finding excuses, you're always texting her and smiling at your phone but whenever I text you, I don't see you smile like that! Why? Do you not love me anymore? Am I too annoying? Do you just hate me now but don't want to be a dick and tell me because if that's it, then you're being more of a dick for not telling me." I explain to her, she shakes her head.

"No, listen to me, I am not cheating on you and you will find out why I'm spending so much time with her tomorrow, okay?" She tells me, I sigh at this and let my shoulders fall.

"Why tomorrow?" I ask her.

"What do you mean?" She questions,

"What do you mean? Why do I have to wait till tomorrow? Why can't I find out now?" I question her, she sighs at this and places a kiss on my cheek.

"Because I have a surprise for you and she's been helping me plan it, you better be free tomorrow around 5." She tells me, I nod my head.

"Yeah, I'm not working tomorrow." I tell her, she nods her head slowly.

"I finish at 3. We can get ready for a date tomorrow, and I'll explain everything. Okay?" She assures me, I let out a small sigh and nod my head.

"Fine..." I mutter and head upstairs,

"Wha—? Where are you going?" She asks me,

"To bed. I'm exhausted and drained. I can barely keep my eyes open these days." I complain and continue to head upstairs to our bedroom, Hailee doing whatever and then coming back up into the room 15 minutes later.


We were on our way to wherever she was taking me, which was confusing me as she seems really nervous and awkward. It's adorable don't get me wrong, I find it really cute but it's unlike her to be this nervous. It's not like anything's gonna happen, it's just a date. We arrive at this spot but there were a lot of parked cars around which was odd, but I decide to ignore it for now.

We get out and walk down this long wooden path that was really cool as the scenery was honestly to die for. I see more and more people further ahead though, but they looked as if they were planning something or whatever. Hailee was in front of me, directing me on where to go and we were going toward the people.

"Are we... skydiving?" I ask her. She shakes her head.

"No." She chuckles out,

"Are we... watching people on dirt bikes?"


"Are we... having a picnic?"

"Kind off." She answers.

"Then why are we going toward the people?" I ask her in confusion on why we would be going toward a big group of people to have a picnic. It makes no sense. I walk toward them, and they hand me all flowers, "What the—? Uh, t—thanks?" I say in confusion, and we get to the edge, I see al the people staring. "What?" I go to ask but they start singing one of my favourite songs. "Aw, what the—?" I say in confusion and turn to Hailee and see her on one knee, pulling a box out. "Oh, my god..." I mumble under my breath and look around again to see that the Dickinson cast was here, my sisters— wait my sisters? The fuck are they doing in LA?!

I turn back to Hailee.

"Y/n, I really love you. And I'm sorry that I made you think that I was cheating on you, in reality, Ella was just helping me and I hope that you know that I only ever want to be with you. You make me so happy, and you've been there with me through everything. Literally, everything. I just... I don't know, I just want to do everything in my power to make you happy and give you everything you want. I know you don't like speeches that people make about you so, I'll cut it short and ask the big question," She chuckles out nervously, I look at her with a smile tugging on my lips. "will you make me very happy and marry me?" She asks me, I stare at her for a moment before nodding my head,

"Of course." I answer, she chuckles at this and places a kiss on my lips. I kiss her back. Feeling so happy right now. I'M GETTING MARRIED! WOOO!

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