She hears you sing for the first time

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Thank you for 400 reads and 500! I am so happy (:



Hailee got back from the studio for the last time for the next two weeks, Y/n had been so excited to spend time with her as the Christmas Holidays were coming up and although she wasn't the biggest fan of Christmas, that didn't stop her from always asking Hailee to sing Christmas songs to her and being adorable.

Hailee enjoyed the company that she had as she quite liked living with Y/n, it was nice and they were getting into a good routine, especially with the 'young love' that they had. You know? The love that you have where you can't seem to want to be anywhere else but with them at the start of moving in but after like 4-5 months, you sorta begin to lose that romance and even though you still love each other, the pace just slows down? Yeah! Well that just never seemed to have happened. Every day feels like the first day that Y/n moved in with Hailee and the two loved the feeling.

She heard music playing from the kitchen and an angelic voice singing along that she had never even thought to have heard before, Hailee took her shoes off and shut the door as quiet as she could so that she could continue to listen to her amazing girlfriend sing:

"I want you to know that I'm never leaving, Cause I'm Mrs. Snow, 'till death we'll be freezing. Yeah, you are my home. My home for all seasons so come on... let's go..." She took a small breath before she continued to sing along to the song that was played a little loud but Hailee could tune it out and only hear her voice, that sounded like an angel and she couldn't get over how adorable she sounded, "Let's go below zero and hide from the sun, I'll love you forever and we'll have some fun. Let's hit to the north pole and live happily! Please don't cry no tears now, it's Christmas, baby. My snowman... and me... hey." She sung beautifully before she let out a small chuckle then gasped, "OO! Alexa! Alexa! Play: 'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas'!" Y/n exclaimed excitedly, still unknown that her singer girlfriend was leaned against the wall and staring right at her,

"Playing 'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas' by Michael Bublé on Amazon music." Alexa replied, the music began to play and she hummed excitedly, the music playing.

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... Everywhere you go," She started which surprised Hailee as she sounded pretty darn close to Michael, got his voice just right. "Take a look at the five and ten. It's glistening once again. With candy canes and silver lanes aglow." She sung as she spun around slowly but still didn't see Hailee which surprised her, "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... Toys in every store... but the prettiest sight to see... is my girlfriend hiding behind me!" Y/n sung out and turned around to her which made Hailee laugh, before she clapped her hands. She put her finger up as she swayed her way over to Hailee, but Hailee barely noticed when she was surprised at how adorable she looked, wearing a white oversized hoodie with grey sweatpants and her hair up in two braids with her blue light glasses on. Hailee had never seen her with her glasses on but she looked amazingly beautiful, it took her breath away. "A pair of hop-a-long boots and a pistol that shoots... Is the wish of Barney and Ben; Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk is the hope of Janice and Jen!" She sung and when she began the Janice and Jen like, she picked Hailee up and spun around slowly before setting her back down, she giggled, "Hi, love. You're home early." Y/n hummed out with a huge smile,

"Baby, why didn't you tell me you could sing?!" Hailee asked shocked, Y/n sighed.

"Because... I'm not as good as you. So, I just shut up. Keep to myself, I suppose." Y/n explained shyly and hesitantly. Hailee cupped her cheek and showered her with kisses,

"You're voice is so beautiful and you look so cosy!" Hailee complimented, seeing Y/n blush massively,

"Oh, shush. WAIT NO!" She exclaimed and quickly took her glasses off and tried to run away but Hailee pulled her back and grabbed her glasses putting them back on for her,

"Don't take them off, you look adorable with them on." Hailee softly assured her which made Y/n smile widely,

"You think?" She asked with a huge smile on her face,

"Yes! I know so." Hailee exclaimed and then pointed to the right, Y/n looked at her confused and saw her phone and that it was filming the two.

"YOUR SO MEAN!" Y/n exclaimed as she practically ran and jumped onto the couch, hiding her face into the pillows and comfy fabric, Hailee giggled at this.

"I just wanted to hear you sing! I knew you wouldn't sing if I asked you too!" Hailee defended herself trying not to giggle, she grabbed her phone and stopped recording.

"Typical! I was going to continue to sing but now that you have a video! You will never... EVER! Hear me sing again." Y/n huffed out after she lifted her head up and went back over to cooking. Hailee giggled at this and wrapped her arms around Y/n's waist. Hailee joined in to help Y/n with cooking even though Y/n was the better cook and taught her how to do things, they really enjoyed themselves and couldn't have had a better late afternoon with one another. "So, how was stuff at the studio?" Y/n asked as she stirred the pasta and looked at Hailee to see her staring her down, "Yes?" 

"Can you do me like... a huge favour?" Hailee questioned, Y/n titled her head from side-to-side.

"Don't know, depends." Y/n chuckled out, as she began to leave it and took the spoon out, having it in her hands.

"Can we sing a song together?"

"Nope!" Y/n said as she tapped her nose then placed a kiss on it; she went over to the fridge and opened it as she grabbed a bottle of water, she shut the door over and took a quick sip before she set it down and walked over to the pasta and began to stir it lightly,

"Why not?" Hailee questioned with a small pout,

"Because I said so!" She exclaimed with a small smile, she quite liked torturing her girlfriend, 

"That was the first—"

"And last." Y/n added which made Hailee groan,


"No, love." Y/n denied calmly, as she let out a small sigh. 

"Fine..." She pouted out which made Y/n chuckle lightly, she knew that this wasn't going to be the end of it and it wasn't. For the next week and a half, it was all she heard leading up to Christmas as she really liked Y/n's voice and would always listen to the video she got as it made her heart smile.


Lil fluff for y'all!

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