Cute "Friendship" 3

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A/N: Nadine x Reader



Sorry this came out so late, I was working on it for so long and kept getting distracted ahaha



Y/N's POV:

Just as I feel her lips about to touch mines, we hear a knock on the door. We both quickly move away, Nadine calls on the person and when the door opens, I simply just want to beat him up. Of course it's Darian.

"And she's here..." He sighs out, one hand on the door handle and the other on the doorframe; I give him a wide smile.

"Hey, dude." I sigh out, giving him a grin with a small wave.

"Nadine, can we talk?" He asks her, "In private." He adds, I look toward the TV and just begin to watch the TV while Nadine gets up and leaves the room shutting the door. I just sit there, waiting for Nadine to come back. However, I quickly hear arguing. "Can you just tell her to go?"

"No! She's my friend. Why do you care so much?" Nadine argues, I grab my stuff and decide I should probably head home. I open the door and they both turn to me, "Where are you going?" She asks me,

"I—I should probably go." I tell her giving her a small smile before I turn to Darian trying to move but he moves in front of me,

"What? Why? You got somewhere to be?" He asks me, I nod my head.

"Yeah." I answer, lying, of course.


"None of your business." I grin out and go to move but he stops me, gripping my wrist. I turn to him sighing, "I'm joking, you asshole." I sigh out, "I haven't got anywhere to be."

"Well, then why do you wanna—?"

"Thin walls." I tell him, his face draining slightly. I remove my hand from his grip and begin to head downstairs,

"Y/n, I'm sorry for him—"

"It's fine." I dismiss opening the door and turning to Nadine giving her a small grin before going to close the door but Nadine stops it.

"Y/n, I really am." She tells me, I shake my head.

"I told you, it's fine." I dismiss giving her a small smile. She gives me an upset look before wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me into a hug. I return the hug and rub her back. "See you at school?" I ask her,

"You sure you wanna go?" She asks me, I nod my head.

"Yeah, I don't wanna be here if I'm unwanted." I chuckle out, pulling away from the hug. I give her a small grin before heading off.


I set the keys down and sigh, walking over toward the couch looking at the TV and seeing my dad passed out in his chair. I stay there for a minute before lying down, I continue to watch before I feel someone tap my shoulder; I panic and quickly move and turn around to see Thomas, I sigh in relief and rest my head.

"God, you scared me..." I sigh out, he chuckles lightly.

"Dude, come downstairs. We've got something for you." He tells me, I stand up and turn the TV off. I grab a blanket and cover my dad in the blanket. Hoping that he'll find some warmth and comfort, I head downstairs and see Issac playing the drums which was what I was gonna do but I might just play some light guitar after whatever Thomas shows me, Hayden was by the desk on his laptop using some software that we all saved up for so that Hayden and Thomas could make some beats and some music. We all like singing and making music but we'd never really do anything about it, sort've just keep it to ourselves. "Listen to this!" He exclaims with excitement, Hayden unplugs his headphones and he plays the beat that they created. I nod my head along to the beat all of us sort've just figuring it out,

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