"My little hero"

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A/N: Nadine x Reader

This was requested by: fxvgvbjjbbkn

Summary: Nadine is worried about Y/n cause you aren't in school, only to find out at break that your sick.

I don't know where I've been... but... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 106-114K! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH <3



Nadine's POV:

I've been trying to call Y/n all morning, if you don't who she is then you live under a rock. The most beautiful girl in the world who is also my girlfriend. I'm glad she is. I can't be happier with anyone else. However, like I said, I've been trying to call her since I woke up, but she didn't answer me. And she still hasn't.

I don't know why but she hasn't been answering me and I texted my mom asking if I could leave early and she said that I could leave after this class, I stare the time down, waiting for the time to just pass. I sigh at this and just wait for a moment or two.


This class is taking too long I swear, time has just... slowed down and I hate it. I just want to see my girlfriend. I don't even like this class, I used too but I don't anymore. It's so boring. Too boring.


The bell rang and I immediately got Krista to drive me to Y/n's which she did. I swear she better have a good excuse why she's not in.


Y/N's POV:

OHHHH, I want to die. I feel so sick! I can't keep anything down, so if I eat. I am throwing up. If I drink something, just anything. I. Throw. Up. Why am I throwing up too water? Who knows? Because it's not me. I do not know!

And I can't find my phone either! I don't know where the hell I put it and whenever I try to walk around; I feel to dizzy and my head pounds constantly till I sit down. I swear, I hate this feeling so much. Whatever is wrong with me. Never again. Never. Again!

My dad's downstairs sleeping one off, so whatever I want, I'll have to go get it even in my unwell manor and my mom can't take any time off because she needs to work today and if she doesn't, we will not get a lot of money this month. I hear the door go which I sigh at. I get up and immediately stumble to the hold onto the ledge. I look out my window and see Nadine, worried and panicked. My eyes widen.

"Fuck." I mumble, I try to go downstairs as fast as I can but it's sorta hard when you're head is pounding and sensitive and you also can't keep your eyes open from the shit sleep you've been getting. I sigh and unlock the door, I open it and immediately feel Nadine tightly hug me, I hug her back. "Hey, baby." I greet her, my voice low and raspy slightly. I lean into her touch to stabilise myself.

"How come you're off? And how come you haven't been answering my texts, I've been so worried." She tells me, I tighten my grip slightly on her waist hoping to bring some comfort in the hug, I move back a little and place a kiss on her head.

"I'm—I'm really sick. I don't feel good right now and I lost my phone. I can't find it anywhere." I explain to her quietly, trying not to wake my dad up as well as causing more pain from the headache. I hate it so much.

"Oh... I—I'm sorry." She apologises and sees my dad, she pulls away from the hug, but I stumble against the doorframe and slide down, sitting down and sighing in relief. "You—You okay?" She asks me,

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