Bloopers with Y/n

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Hailee and Y/n are in a interview with Jimmy Fallon with Florence and Hawkeye and someone sent in a video of Y/n fucking up scenes in Hawkeye that the casts reacts too.




Y/N's POV:

Jimmy Fallon called out Florence and Jeremy and now it was Hailee's turn then mines, I was excited as always cause I heard I have a surprise and I wanna know the surprise. Hailee chuckles as she sees me already being fidgety.

"Someone's fidgety, did you not bring your bobble?" She asks me, I nodded my head and showed her the bobble that was for thin hair although mines was slightly more thicker, so, it was a little tight around my wrist but I didn't mind, I liked tight bobbles, 

"Yeah, boi." I reply making her giggle,


"Dope." I imitate making her hit my arm, "Ow! Hailee—!" I whisper-yell before Jimmy cuts me off,

"Hailee Steinfeld, everybody!" 

"Oh— gotta go." She says and walks out, waving at people with a wide smile, I move where she stood getting some last minute touches done. 

"Thank you, you guys are amazing." I compliment before they walk off and give me a smile, I turn and hear my name get introduced.

"And the best upcoming actress this year, Y/n L/n everybody!" Jimmy exclaims excitedly, I chuckle lightly as I walk out with a wide smile and wave at a few, high fiving a few at the front before I turn to the crew and dance my way over before I stop at Hailee and she stood up, we high five and hug. I hit her shoulder,

"Little bitch." I say making her laugh, we both sit down and get comfortable. Me being the closest too Jimmy. 

"So, how are we all?" He asks all of us, everyone answering apart from me, I just nod my head. "Great, so, first off, I want to start with a great laugh. Someone sent a video of bloopers of Y/n over the years, and let me tell you, it was a real joy to watch." He explains to everybody,

"Oh, god, look! I don't mean to swear when I fuck things— oh, shit—no! Fuck! OH MY GOD!" I exclaim and cover my face making the audience laugh as well as Jimmy, Hailee, Florence and Jeremy. 

"By the way, there is a lot of swearing, so... warning. Lots of swearing. Roll the clip." He begins to chuckle out as I just place my hands over my face and shake my head as Florence, Jeremy and Hailee begin to laugh, we all look over at the TV and watch.


"Goddamn it!" I exclaim tripping up, I manage to stabilise myself, "Jesus, first blooper, alright, here we go." I say trying to get back into character making Scarlett laugh, I place my hands on my waist, "You didn't see that. What're you laughing at?" I ask her pretending to play dumb,

"You falling, idiot."

"What? I—I—" I stammer, "I didn't— I don't— No, I don't remember falling.


"Oh, fuck off!" I complain, tripping up and catching myself then dancing over to the camera while dancing, "Ha ha, you did not see that!"


"Little fucker!" I exclaim getting a fright from Jeremy and slapping him, I cover my mouth, "Shit, sorry sunshine." I apologise making Tony, Paul, Chris and Chris laugh.

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