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A/N: Hailee x Reader

This was requested by: Ccrecrxzy

Summary: Hailee is clingy and doesn't let you go out with friends because she just wants to hug you. 

Thank you for 128k <3



Y/N's POV:

I wake up and turn to see Hailee cuddling into me, her head securely tucks into my neck, and she has her arms around my waist. I place a kiss on her head, and I go to get up, but I hear a small groan and her arms tighten around my waist.

"No. No, no, no, no! Don't go." She whines out and pulls me back down; she cuddles back into me which I chuckle at, I place a kiss on her head and let her cuddle into me.

"I won't go anywhere, darling." I tell her, a small hum falling out of my mouth afterwards. I wrap my arm around her, and she sighs contently,

"Thank you..." She hums out, I shake my head lightly.

"No, it's okay." I dismiss, "Really, it's fine." I assure her, she hums at this and places a kiss on my cheek; I chuckle at this and sigh contently.


It's been an hour, I really wanna get up but I don't wanna disturb Hailee; she seems happy and content, but I really want to get up, get on with my day but then I'd be rude, she seems upset when I want to go. It's so adorable. I slowly stop rubbing her back and I place one last kiss on her forehead and remove my arm from Hailee.

"Baby," I breath out, she takes a long inhale in before lightly exhaling, a small hum falling from her lips. "I'm gonna get up, is that okay?" I ask her, she crawls on top of me and rests there. I chuckle at this, "I wanna get up." I tell her. She shakes her head.

"No." She denies, I place a kiss on her forehead.

"I need a shower." I tell her, she shakes her head.

"You smell perfect." She assures me, removing her head from my neck and finally opening her eyes. Giving me a sleepy grin, I return the grin.

"Thank you, but I have to shower. You can join me?" I offer, she pouts and sighs lightly.

"What's wrong with staying in bed all day?" She asks me, I shake my head lightly.

"Nothing, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that." I tell her, she scoffs at this.

"Clearly." She mutters.

"I mean it, Hayes. I just wanna shower; brush my hair and brush my teeth then put some new clothes on." I explain my plan to her, she takes a moment and sits up; I sit up and place a kiss on the sweet spot of her neck, her body melting towards mine. I hum at this and rest my head on her chest. Her hand rests in my hair, she sighs at this.

"Can I join?" She asks me, I nod my head and pick her up; I stand up while she wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck, I walk over to our closet and she tells me just to pick out my grey joggies and a t-shirt of mine, I grab a hoodie of Hailee's and her grey joggies. I walk over to the bathroom and set them down.


I grab the shampoo and shake the bottle a little and place a kiss on Hailee's shoulder, I open the bottle and pour a little bit before setting it down and beginning to move my hands through her hair, doing the work for her.

"How did you sleep last night? Did you sleep okay?" I ask her, hoping she had a goodnights rest, she nods her head lightly.

"Mhmm-hmm. Did you?" She asks, I shrug lightly.

"I don't know, it was... adequate... I suppose." I express to her,

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She questions, turning to me. I wash my hands under the water as I was finished going over it. I shake my head,

"No, it's fine." I dismiss. We let it settle for a couple of seconds before she moves under the water again and I begin to help her get the shampoo out before I do the same with the conditioner. Once we were done with the conditioner, I grab the body soap and pour it on the sponge and begin to move it around her body lightly.


I'm reading a book while Hailee is cuddling into me watching some TV show, however, I notice that she's fallen asleep; so, I grab the remote and put Little Women on as I really like the newest version of it. It's a nice mix and the flashbacks and current scenes. How it's filmed. How to tell the difference between the flashbacks and when it's in the present.

It truly is a work of art and admired by many people. It's my comfort film along with The Edge of Seventeen. It's not because Hailee's in it, but I just... relate to Nadine so much. Sometimes I feel like it was too relatable.

I feel her cuddle into me a little more and sigh lightly,

"What's put on now?" She asks me,

"Little Women." I reply to her softly, continuing to read my book. My eyes scanning over each word.

"The one with Timothée Chalamet and Florence Pugh?" She asks me, I nod my head lightly.

"Yeah. That one." I reply softly. She nods her head.

"I like that one." She informs me, I nod my head at this.

"I agree. Best one, I think." I tell her, she chuckles at this lightly.

"Yup." She sighs out. Before her eyes fall shut and she begins to fall back asleep.


I go to get up but feel her pull me back down,

"No, where are you going?" She asks me, her using her forearm to sit herself up and opening her eyes, wiping them slightly before she stretches.

"My friends Erica; Anna and Aaron are asking me to hang out." I explain to her, she pouts at this and stands up on the bed, she jumps into my arms, and I quickly catch her not wanting her to fall. I chuckle at how clingy she's been all day, it's so adorable.

"You can't leave me." She tells me, as her grip slightly tightens. "I won't let you." She tells me, I place a kiss on her cheek.


"But what? Do I bore you?" She asks me, I let out a small laugh and go to set her down, but she doesn't get off, I sigh lightly and just place a kiss on her head.

"You don't. I just thought that you might want some rest and alone time." I explain to her, "And if you don't want me to go, I won't." I assure her and rub her back lightly. She blushes and smiles at me widely.

"Really?" She asks,

"No. Can I please go?" I ask her, her face falls and she pushes me back lightly and faces away from me, pulling the covers over her. I sigh at this and walk to her side, but she turns away from me. "Hailee, I was kidding. I'm sorry, my love." I apologise, "That was rude and mean." I tell her, crawling onto the bed and moving behind her. I wrap my arms around her waist, slowly. I place a kiss on her shoulder. "I won't go," I tell her, "and once again, I'm sorry." I apologise; she turns to me and sighs before she fully turns her body around and rests her head against my chest and wraps her arms around me.

"Do you love me?" She asks me, I nod my head.

"Of course, I love you." I express to her, I slowly move atop of her and hover my lips over hers, "I love you with my whole, dirty little heart." I whisper to her before placing my lips against hers, I feel her smile into the kiss as she kisses me back and moves her hand from the back of my neck, up into my hair.


Hailee x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now