Jealously, Jealously

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Hailee and you get into an argument but when you both go to the party and you talk to your friend the entire time but Hailee gets jealous.

THANK YOU SM FOR 28k! I will be posting again at some point today! So, be on the look out for another post today (:



I sigh as I run my hands through my hair,

"I'm allowed to feel annoyed when all you want to do is spend time with Demi!" Hailee shouts at me, I sigh and shake my head lightly.

"Hailee, I don't like her like that and she doesn't like me like that." I try to explain but Hailee just scoffs at my reply,

"She likes you! Okay? There's no denying that—"

"How many times do I have to tell you? I swear, with my whole heart! I only love you! Hailee, I love you! And I'm only ever gonna love you!" I exclaim as I look up at her, she just sighs and looks down, she checks her phone.

"We're gonna be late." She tells me, I scoff and shake my head.

"Fine. Let's go." I mumble and grab the keys, I unlock the front door and open it, I let Hailee go first as although we're in an argument, I still want to be polite. Hailee walks out and walks over to the car, I leave the house and lock the door then turn to the car and unlock it, she goes to get in the driver seat but I scoff, "No! Get in the passenger's seat." I tell her to do. She rolls her eyes and gets out then storms around to the other side, I nod my head. "Gosh, this is gonna be soooo fun..." I say sarcastically and head over to the driver's side, I get in and put the keys in, I shut the door and put my seatbelt on. I turn the engine on and reverse out of the spot, looking behind and once I got out of the spot and began to drive, I glance over at Hailee who was staring at my hand. "What?" I ask her,

"Nothing." She mumbles as she glances at me then out the window, I look at her confused but ignore it and focus on the road. After a solid 5 minutes of awkward silence, I go to reach over to the radio but Hailee hits my hand away,

"Ow." I say under my breath, "What was that for?" I ask her and glance at her to be met with a death glare, I nod my head and face ahead. "Never—Never mind..." I breath out before I let out a sigh.

"Okay, why are you sighing so much and getting annoyed? I'm allowed to be jealous—"

"But I've—"

"Don't interrupt me." She cuts me off, I just shut my mouth and focus on the road. She continues to lecture me about how me and Demi are too close to be just best friends but everything she was saying was just wrong. We've never flirted with one another ever, however she thinks we do. It's annoying. "Now you can talk." She tells me, and I can feel her stare but now I decide to play the quiet game. We pull up to a red light and I just look out my window but I feel Hailee turn my head to face her as she cups my chin, "I said you can talk."

"I don't need your permission to—"

"I don't care." She tells me as she shakes her head, "Now, what's your side?" I sigh and look down, she knows I hate being interrupted yet continuously does it. At first, I could understand, but the amount of times she has interrupted me in this argument is honestly just annoying now.

"What's the point? Honestly. What is the point? You're not gonna believe me anyways." I explain and then face ahead, she crosses her arms and looks out her window. Not one of us saying anything to each other.

Hailee x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now