New family member

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Hailee gets a new puppy and surprises Y/n with it.



THANK YOU FOR 335-344K! <3



Hailee's POV:

I got a new puppy. There. I said it. I, Hailee Steinfeld, got a new puppy! I've been teasing my girlfriend, Y/n, about getting one for a few weeks but her being her. She is absolutely oblivious to what I have. He's so cute though! I named him Brando, cause why not? It's a cool name. Teenie and Brando didn't get along at first and she kept barking at me but I explained what happened and she's warmed up to him but he's mostly hiding underneath things which scare me as it takes forever to find him.

I texted Y/n,

"I got the surprise." I inform her, her immediately seeing it.

"Ooo, what is it?" She replies.

"You have to wait till you come home."

"WHAT?!" She texts,

"That's not fair, I'm on set for another 5 hours!" She texts again, I smile at this. I love toturing her. It's the best ever.

"I'll see you when your home." I reply,

"...Fine... bully." She texts, I laugh at this and put my phone away and look around, not seeing Brando but Martini,

"Hi, Teenie." I greet her, sitting down and patting my legs, she walks over and rests her head on my thigh, I stroke her fur and soon enough, Brando walks over shyly as he looks around. Aww, he looks so scared... I pat the floor and he jogs over but stumbles over, "Aw, you almost got it. Ah! There it is!" I laugh out as he rushes over to me, I place a kiss on his head then on Martini's head. My little children.


I fell asleep and Brando and Martini were cuddled into me which was nice to wake up too, a face full of Martini's fur and Brando's butt in my face. I'm on a jog right now and have them on a leash, Teenie's enjoying it but I'm kind off having to drag Brando about but then again, he might be scared. I pick him up and he rests his hand on my hand. I place a kiss on his head.

Teenie soon gets tired and I pick her up, placing a kiss on her head. Both of their tongues stick out and I join in. They look over at me which I find funny.


Y/n's almost home, she's like 5 minutes away, I'm so excited. She's gonna be so happy as she's mentioned wanting a puppy for a while. Especially since she couldn't have one when she was growing up. I whistle, Brando and Martini looking over at me from their beds.

"Ah, there you two are." I hum out and walk over, taking a few photos with them as Martini was being funny and cute, then Brando was being cute and looks a little sleepy. Too cute. After messing around for a few minutes, I hear the door unlock and open then shut.

"I'm home!" I hear Y/n shout to me, Brando looks over at me and I pick him up,

"Coming!" I shout to her,

"That's what—"

"Baby, don't." I shout back, trying not to laugh however, I hear her laugh.

"Okay, fine." I hear her huff out, I move my hand behind my back and see Y/n putting her shoes in the shoe rack then her take her hoodie off as it was pretty warm in the house. It was a cold day out though, so, I need it to be hot. "Hi." She greets me, smiling lightly as she tries to glance behind my back. "What is...?" She mumbles, trying to see but I continue to move, hiding him from her. "What've you got there?" She asks me, I shrug lightly.

"I don't know." I reply, making her laugh. "Go sit on the couch and shut your eyes." I tell her to do, she nods her head and places a kiss on my cheek before walking over to the couch and resting her hands over her eyes. I walk over and move my hands in front of me, Brando simply sitting down in my hand. I pet him and place a kiss on his head as I move in front of Y/n. "Okay! Can you give me a guess on what you think it is?" I ask her,

"Is it... food?" She asks me,


"A new game?"


"A... dinosaur?!" She exclaims in excitement,

"What? No." I tell her, she lets her shoulders fall.

"Is it... my 8th grade geography teacher wanting to apologise to me for being a cu—"

"No." I cut her off, such foul language.

"Oh... is it... a new pair of shoes?"

"No." I answer, she huffs at this.

"Alright, uhm... is it..." I can see her trying to think, I don't know how she hasn't gotten this yet. "a new TV?"


"Tickets to a football game?"


"Tickets to a NFL game?"

"No." I answer, starting to laugh.

"Hayes, this is too hard!" She complains, groaning, I laugh at this. I can tell that she just wants to know the surprise but I like to be annoying, "I give up." She replies, "Can I look now?" She asks me,

"Yeah!" I answer, she removes her hands from her eyes and opens her eyes before her mouth falls open agape in surprise.

"It's so cute!" Y/n exclaims as she quickly stands up and starts to pet him, Brando immediately liking Y/n and moving on his two back legs, his two front legs in the air, "Can I pick it up?" She asks, I nod my head, I love seeing her so happy; it's so adorable when she's happy, she picks him up in her arms and holds him close. Placing a kiss on his head. "What's it's name?" She asks me, still shocked. I laugh at her expression.

"His name is Brando." I inform her, beginning to tell her everything that I found out. She pouts at this before looking at him to see Brando already looking at her with his tongue out; she puckers her lips and pulls him close, he licks her cheek and she moves back and kisses his head and sees Martini,

"Teenie!" She exclaims and kneels down, Martini rushing over to her, she pets her and places a kiss on her head before standing up and smiling at me. "I like this little family we have going on here." She tells me, I nod my head.

"Agreed." I grin out, she places a kiss on my cheek.

"I'm going to quickly shower then we can get started on dinner? Yeah?" She suggests, I nod my head.

"Can I join? I've missed you." I tell her, she nods her head.

"Yeah, of course." She tells me, setting Brando down and quickly picking me up, I laugh at this and wrap my arms around her neck and my legs wrap around her waist; she walks upstairs and to our room, kissing all over my face while she gets an outfit ready, her not even having too hold onto me. She grabs one of my hoodies, then her grey joggies. She grabs one of her hoodies and some of my grey joggies for me. "That okay? Or do you want something else?"

"No, I wanna match with you." I tell her, she nods her head and places a kiss on my temple.

"Okay, baby." She grins out.


We're cuddling on the couch, Y/n has Brando on her chest and Martini is on mines, Y/n petting his fur and I'm petting Martini's fur as whenever we stop, they just whine and bark till we continue. It's so cute. I lean into Y/n and she wraps one arm around my shoulder, I place a kiss on her cheek.

"Do you like him?" I ask her, she turns to me confused before realising that I was talking about Brando.

"I love him." She grins out, "And still love Martini." She hums out, placing a kiss on Martini's head. She leans back and we just rest there, watching TV. Before I feel myself slowly fall asleep.


I just thought that I'd write an introduction for Sir Brando.

Have a good day or night luvs <3

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