"Were you there the whole time?!"

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A/N: Nadine x Reader

Thank you once again to: user79391218 for this suggestion as well, you are literally carrying this for me ahahah <3

Summary: Nadine just sent Nick the text and Nadine freaks out before she figures out that there is someone else in the park as well.


Y/N's POV:

I'm sitting in the park, alone, as I didn't wanna go to school, I hate it, I literally have no friends and to be honest, no one even likes me or wants to be friends with me. I see a car pull up and a girl get out, wait hold on, I know her, she's Nadine Franklin... popular douchebag's little sister, Nadine sits down at the bottom of the slide, do I say something?

Do I let her know that I'm here?

 She pulls out her phone as she goes onto Nick's Facebook and begins to text him,

"Nick, I'm just gonna say it. I like you. I've liked you for months. I think about you every second. I don't know, maybe I even love you. You're so complicated. But simple. And I just feel this connected between us. I feel like I already know you, and I just wanna be with you." She takes in a sharp inhale before she continues to read out-loud what she's typing, "I wanna give you head. I want you to put your mouth on my tits. I wanna feel you inside me. We can do it in the Petland stockroom. Nadine." She types out and puts her phone number in, she stares the message down and I go to say something but she speaks up again, "Oh, my God." She lightly shakes her head, I nod mines as I agree with her, she shouldn't send that. "Oh, my God. You sound like a fuckin' psychopath." She looks up, her eyes almost searching for something, I stand up and before I knew it, she goes to delete it, "You can't send this." she goes to tap the cross but ends up accidently sending it, my mouth falls open and my eyes widen and I quickly move back down before I hear her start to exclaim, "What? No." She gasps, "Sh..." She places her hand that was in a fist over her mouth, "Oh, my God." She stands up after a second, "Oh, my God, no way. No, no, no way. No." She hits the slide, "Fuck!" She exclaims,

"Dude, it'll be okay! It'll be okay!" I exclaim as I stand up, she moves back and lets out a small scream,

"What the—?" She asks and looks up at me, her face falls, "Were you there the whole time?! " She asks me as I can tell by her tone that she's slightly pissed off. Oh shit.

"No— I mean... well, yes, yes, I was. I was gonna come out but then you started talking and—and I got nervous!" I exclaim trying to relax the situation,

"So, you listen?!"

"I was gonna tell you not to send that! I mean, go you, for having the balls to do so—"

"What the hell am I gonna do?" She asks me yelling,

"I don't know!" I scream back at her, "Why are we yelling?!"

"Why are we yelling?!" She screams back and we both shrug, I climb down and walk in front of her, my shoulders falling, I feel bad for her; she seems like she's having a bad day. I sigh and put my hand out, 

"Give me the keys." I tell her, she looks at me confused.

"What? Why?"

"You came in here horribly, I mean you parked well, I was scared for the car and I quickly realise that it doesn't seem like you drive. So... I'll drive you to a ice cream shop and you can just rant. Only if you feel comfortable, k?" I tell her, she stares me down for a moment not saying anything before she delicately places the keys in my hand. I give her a small smile before we walk to the car.

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