⚠️In need for comfort⚠️

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A/N: Reader x Hailee

Backstory: Y/n is working on a hard case for the FBI, she was a well-known detective and was good at her job, however, when she gets put on the case and it hits a little to close to home.

⚠️TW⚠️: Talk of Sexual assault, descriptive talk of murder


Y/n walked onto the crime scene, she observed and searched around, an officer came up to her but before he could even get a word out to ask for her occupation; she showed him her badge and continued to search around the darkened living room.

"Detective L/n?" Her partner called out on her, Y/n looked up at her and saw that she looked a lot more paler than usual, she observer further to notice the blood stains on her hands - most likely from observing the scene - Y/n sighed, the tone of how bad this was, already been set.

"Yes, Detective Meyers...?" She hesitated, not wanting to ask however she knew she had too.

"Follow me..." She muttered quietly before she rushed into the kitchen, Y/n looked around to see it as a mess. She walked slowly around, seeing blood stains splattered around, here and there.

"I'm assuming this is when the fight started... yes?"

"Wait till you see the body, Detective." Meyers sighed out, Y/n turned to her and sighed. She followed Meyers into the basement and Y/n could already tell that whoever the victim, definitely got pushed down the stairs as there were marks on the wall that looked very recent.

When she turned around, she saw the body with 7 stab wounds, a dagger near the heart, bruises all over the girl's body, she had markings around her ankles and her wrists.

Y/n's face furrowed in discomfort as there was a cold air, the corpse looked blue like she had been drowned which made it even more uncomfortable.

"What've we got so far?" Y/n asked as she placed her hands in her pockets. Meyers stayed quiet, Y/n looked up at her confused. "What?"

"T—The officers aren't exactly keen on seeing this."

"So, we're the only people to see it?"

"Yes." Meyers answered truthfully, Y/n sighed and nodded her head.

"This isn't exactly the best looking thing we've ever seen." Y/n expressed as she glanced at Meyers before she kneeled down and inspected the body from afar. "The marks on her neck show signs of rope as there are two lines, I'm pretty sure I saw rope around here somewhere." Y/n pointed out which Meyers wrote down in a small notepad. "The collarbone is most likely fractured or broken as there were recent marks on the walls between the staircase. So, whoever did this, definitely pushed her down." Y/n sighed out, she remembered counting 15 steps, "15 steps..." She breathed out, which Meyers wrote down.

Y/n stood up and walked upstairs when an officer pulled out handcuffs that had blood over them and one was connected while the other wasn't. They've been recently used,

"Pack it, could be DNA on it." Y/n told the officer who nodded his head and quickly left as the smell of the dead body lingered around the house, Y/n could even see someone outside throwing up.

She searched around and saw a glass shard, she picked it up to see some blood; she rushed downstairs and walked over to the body going to touch it but Meyers stopped her,

"Y/n, don't—"

"I need to check something." Y/n told her, she sighed and Meyers removed her hand from Y/n's upper arm. She moved the body up and there were glass shards all over her naked body.

"Oh... gosh." Meyers gasped out as she covered her mouth with her left hand and places her right hand on her knee. Y/n's face stared at the girl and released that there was another smell, she realised that Sexual Assault was apart of this case.

"She was sexually assaulted." Y/n randomly said, Meyers fought back her puke and stood up once.

"W—What? How—? How do you know?" She asked.

"There was rope around her and handcuffs to stop her from resisting." Y/n informed Meyers, who stayed silent but nodded her head in agreement. They continued to search around the place, Y/n pointing out more things for her partner.

(After work)

Y/n arrived home with a bag filled with files, she sighed as she set it on the couch next to her,

"Baby?" Hailee called out, Y/n sighed as she took her jacket off. She walked around the house to find Hailee and she saw her in the kitchen; she immediately walked over and hugged her. Hailee smiled at the hug from behind as it was one of her favourites.

"Hi." Y/n mumbled into her neck before she placed a kiss on her neck which Hailee smiled at.

"You okay?" She asked and Y/n stayed quiet, she didn't want to talk about her work, however, when Hailee didn't hear a word from her; she turned around and looked at Y/n worriedly. "What's wrong? Bad case?" She asked which Y/n nodded her head at. Hailee pulled her in for a hug again and rubbed her back. "What's the case?"

"Sexual Assault and Murder..." Y/n informed her, Hailee's breathing hitched as she always found it hard and never understood how Y/n even thought of it as a career choice.

"Gosh..." She breathed out, "How— How can I help?"

"I could use some cuddles right now... I just— It's so confusing..." She expressed to Hailee.

"Um, how—how about you talk about it?" Hailee suggested, which Y/n nodded her head and sighed at. Y/n walked over to the case files and grabbed the bag then went back over to the kitchen and set them down. She laid them out and Hailee saw the photos, she gasped lightly and covered her eyes.

"Not one officer could even go down to the basement. It's like me and Meyers have to work on it by ourselves." Y/n complained, "I get it... gruesome... but— but I want to find whoever did this—!"

"Hey, I know. It's okay—"

"No, whoever did this isn't okay. Something had to have happened with an ex or family issues." Y/n explained to her which Hailee was confused on how she got to that conclusion.

"What makes you think that?"

"Well... first off, you can tell by the markings around her wrist and neck that she was held and tried to find out of it which caused the marks. The wounds are messy, could be built up anger which most likely happened towards the end of the sex." Y/n explained as she glanced at her then looked back at the files and work, Hailee placed a kiss on her cheek, giving her a weak smile.

"I believe in you, but you've had a long day. I say we just rest." Hailee suggested, Y/n wiped her eyes as she wanted to do that and quickly packed it all away taking it upstairs. The two walked into the room; Y/n quickly getting changed, lying down. Once Hailee was done her skin care, she climbed into bed and Y/n immediately cuddled into her. "Goodnight, love. I love you." Hailee whispered to her before she placed a kiss on her head which Y/n hummed at, she always liked being with Hailee as although she saw parts of the job and didn't understand most of it, the cuddles and affection as well as words of affirmation was enough for Y/n.


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