"Hi...again..." 2

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A/N: Hailee x Reader





Hailee's POV:

I stir awake again to feeling arms no longer around me or a presence near me, I look around and I can't see her, the shower isn't on. So, she isn't in the bathroom. I look around trying to find my clothes and when I find them on the floor, I quickly put them back on and grab a t-shirt of hers instead of the one I was wearing. Hers are more comfortable. I look around her apartment and I can't find her.

I hear the front door open and close, I peak my head out and see Y/n coming back with breakfast, I smile at this and walk over to her, I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder, she turns her head in my direction.

"Hi," She grins out, "did you sleep okay?" She asks me, I nod my head.

"Yeah, I woke up and you were gone, scared me a little." I express to her, she turns her whole body to me as I move my head off of her shoulder.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I woke up earlier than usual and I was getting hungry, so, I thought I'd get us some breakfast." She explains to me, I smile at this and nod my head lightly.

"Yeah, of course." I hum out, she moves the chair beside her to face me,

"Want to have a seat while I get plates out and we can have breakfast?" She asks me,

"I'd love too." I grin out, sitting beside her, she stands up and places a kiss on my head before walking around and grabbing two plates, setting one down for her and one for me, she then grabs some cutlery and hands me a knife and fork then places her cutlery down.

"Do you want something to drink? I can get you a glass of water or something else?" She asks me, I nod my head.

"Just a glass of water, is that okay?"

"Yeah, of course." She agrees, I watch as she grabs a glass out of one of the cupboards and she shuts it over, "Do you want tap water or water from a bottle?" She asks me, I laugh lightly at this.

"Water from a bottle..." I guess, she nods her head.

"Good choice, I don't like tap water. Tastes weird." She giggles out, I just smile, watching her. I can't help but not, how could you not smile at the adorable girl in front of you? She walks over to her fridge and places the cup on the holder and presses the button for water, she stops after a couple of seconds, "Do you want some ice?" She asks,

"That'd be nice."

"Stick my phone... in some rice. Boom, rap lyrics." She says before going into a fit of laughter, I laugh along at the dummy.

"Leave the rapping too me." I tell her, she scoffs at this.

"I can do it! Just not freestyle." She explains to me, I snicker at this, nodding my head in agreement.

"We all have dreams." I tell her, she turns to me and the water stops.

"Suddenly, I want to pour this over you but because your wearing my t-shirt and look really beautiful. I will let it slide." She huffs out, she shuts the fridge door and walks over, setting the glass of water in front of me.

"Thank you." I giggle out, she sits beside me and pulls out pancakes with a small box of chips, she hands me the chips and she pulls out chips of her own and tastes one, she groans.

Hailee x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now