Aren't so different 2

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A/N: Nadine x Reader

Summary: They get closer throughout the weeks and tension builds until, when Nadine calls Y/n for help after the date and to pick her up. Emotions unravel and secrets are let out.




Y/N's POV:

I walk inside and I rush over to my mom, Greer, seeing her doing the dishes as Toby is in his high chair, babbling about something.

"Mom! Mom, guess what!" I grin out, a wide smile on my face as I sit on the counter, and pull out a water bottle from my bag and set it next to me.

"What's up, honey?" She asks me,

"I think I made a new friend today!" I exclaim excitedly, she turns to me with a wide smile on her face. Looking proud of me.

"Really? What's their name?"

"Nadine Franklin." I tell her, she turns to Max.

"Isn't that your second favourite student?" She asks him with a small smile, he nods his head.

"Yeah. The two finally met today. I was there." He says almost as if it was all his doing that me and Nadine met. I roll my eyes playfully, but then again, I realise that he kinda is.

"Wait, second? Who is your favourite?" I ask him confused, looking at him sceptical.

"You. You little loser." He says as he walks over to me and ruffles my hair slightly which I giggle at, he gives me a small smile and places a kiss on Greer's cheek. "Hi, honey." He tells her, she smiles.

"Hi." She replies and they turn around and kiss, I gag and they pull away and turn to me, I give them a sarcastic smile.

"Okay, little lady, how about you go and get your homework out?" He asks me to do, I groan and shake my head.

"What? Why?" I ask him, sitting up but my shoulder banging against the cupboard above me, I groan in pain, "Ow..." I breath out, as I hold the shoulder that got hit in pain. He giggles,

"Because I'm your dad and I told you so, plus, I'm also your teacher. So, come on! Homework time." He tells me and pats my other back, I sigh and jump down, I grab my stuff and walk over to the dining table, I set my back down and place a kiss on Toby's head, then ruffle with his hair slightly. He giggles which I chuckle at. I turn to my dad. "Hey, dad, can you help me with the homework?"

"Do you promise not to let me tell you all the answers?"

"We'll just have to see." I tell him with a small shrug which he chuckles at, he nods his head.

"Okay, I'll help. Let me just greet this little guy." He tells me, I giggle as he dances his way over to Toby and talks to him in his baby voice. I smile at the two but then turn around and get my stuff out.


I'm walking down the hall skipping Home Ec as I always get body shamed in that class by the teacher, so, there is no way in hell that I'm going to that class, currently I'm just walking around school, listening to music until I feel a tap on my shoulder; I turn around and see my dad and Nadine next to him, I flinch,

"Hi! Hi, dad. Wow. Fancy seeing you here! Just headed to class, okay, bye now." I say quickly and go to walk away but he grabs my back and pulls me back, he takes my headphone out and pauses my music for me.

Hailee x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now