"I didn't mean it" 2

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A/N: Nadine x Reader





Y/N's POV:

"What do you mean 'It just happened'?" Nadine asks angrily, as Nadine and Krista are arguing, Darian is simply death staring me as if he was about to kill me, do I care though? No. I don't. He should've told Nadine. She has the right to know, especially when it comes to her best friend.

"I swear, I—I don't know, I just... It just happened! I don't know why! Or how—"

"Bullshit!" Nadine cuts her off, "Did you even think about how I'd feel?" She asks her softly, her going from angry to calm in seconds. I wrap an arm around Nadine's waist, but Darian rushes me and pushes me away from her,

"You don't go anyway near her." He tells me sternly; I push him back, wanting space as he was way too close to me, trying to tower over me as well as act tough even though he wasn't.

"You've done enough, haven't you?" I ask her, he scoffs and shakes his head.

"You are pathetic." He tells me,

"Oh, wow, haven't heard that in a while." I sarcastically reply, he goes to attack me, but Nadine and Krista stop him, "No, let him! I'm sure he'll figure out that it's not my fault that he can't keep it in his pants and make his sister's life miserable." I insult turning around but I hear Nadine and Krista scurry, I turn around and see Darian, he grabs my t-shirt and pushes me against the wall. Him moving his face right against mines. He stares me down, but I do too, I'm not backing down. I won't ever back down. "What?" I ask him, a look of confusion shows on his face. "What? What're you gonna do?" I ask him, which makes him remove his grip from my t-shirt. I stare him down, "If you really cared about her, you would be happy." I tell him, which he scoffs at.

"Y—You've changed..." He breathes out, looking at me as if I had just had the biggest betrayal of the century.

"I didn't... actually, I just learned how to speak up for people who need it since no one's spoken up for me." I inform him before quickly leaving the room and going for a walk, trying to calm myself down, my room is not the biggest but it's not the smallest either but way to many people were in there which didn't feel good. I also didn't like everyone arguing because I hate when people argue. Or confrontation. I also hate that Darian is acting immature by acting as if I had just stabbed him in that back like he didn't stab Nadine in the back.

I didn't take my car as I didn't want to take my car, I really did want to go for a walk and truly use my legs as I'm either doing nothing or everything but this walks gives me a chance to breath, I suppose.


It's been 3 hours since I left, and I'm glad I did. I've recollected my thoughts and shit, but I don't think I'll be going back anytime soon, I'll probably just sneak in and if they find me, they find me. If they ask questions, I'm good at lying and dismissing, so, I'll just dismiss it and move on with my night by going to bed.

However, I hear footsteps around me and when I look around, I don't see anyone which was odd, but I dismiss it for now. That was until I feel someone wrap their arms around me from my right, I turn to see Nadine.

"You scared me..." She tells me softly; I relax my shoulders and rest my legs as well and lean close to her touch. She places her hand on my right cheek and begin to use her thumb to move it back and forth, I let out a small hum.

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