Welcome 2

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A/N: Kate x Reader





Y/N's POV:

I'm in my office still recovering from the fight and as one of my workers are helping me out, I hear a knock on my door, I let out a small groan feeling pain as the guy was simply being un-careful. 

"Come in." I grit through my teeth, the door opens and I see the one and only Kate peaking her head in,

"Hey..." She mumbles, I turn to the guy,

"Mind giving us a second?" I ask him, he nods his head and quickly gets up leaving; my eyes follow him but once he leaves and Kate comes in, he shuts the door behind him and I stand up while I grab a t-shirt and put it on. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" I ask her making her chuckle lightly,

"I just wanted to, um, come see... well no, I—I wanted to come see if you were okay... and to thank you." She explains to me, I give her a small smile and slowly nod my head.

"I'm fine, I'm good actually..." I reply to her, giving her a small smile hoping to reassure her, "and no problem. I owe Clint my life." I add making her look at me slightly confused.

"Really?" She asks, I nod my head.

"Yeah. He helped me when the blip happened. Although it was only a month before he became Ronin, it still helped me." I explain to her, "I tried to make it up to him when we fought Thanos but... I just want to—"

"Hold up, you fought Thanos?" She asks me, I nod my head. She rushes over to me and grabs the stuff, aiding me as she asks so many questions on what it was like to fight him.

"It wasn't easy... I'll tell you that." I chuckle out softly, she scoffs at this but nods her head and continues to listen to me explaining my side of what happened. She seems overly happy about hearing it though which made me smile, she was a great listener. 

"That sounds so awesome. Not the dusting part but just being able to fight along with some really incredible people." Kate expresses to me, I nod my head slowly.

"I mean, yeah, it... it was something." I sigh out before she looks up at me.

"You don't sound so confident about it." She points out, "Is everything alright?" She asks me, I nod my head.

"I'm fine. Are you?" I ask her, "That girl... the one with the... goggles...?" I guess making her laugh, she shrugs lightly.

"I—I don't know. Some Black Widow Assassin." Kate informs me, "Clint told me to go home but I thought I'd come see you." She explains which I grin at.

"Glad to know that you think of me." I say with a small smirk on my face, she hits my shoulder.

"Stop." She chuckles out softly, I just let out a small sigh and move my head up to looking at the ceiling before a knock is on my door. I groan and look down.

"Come in." I say, the person comes in and I see another one of my workers, Jayden. "Jayden... what can I do for you?" I ask him, he looks hesitant and shy and I can tell that he's nervous but I quite like Jayden, a trust-worthy guy.

"I, um," He clears his throat, "I—I really didn't want to bother you, ma'am... but... we have a guy here. Says he knows you." He informs me, "We kicked him out though as he didn't seem familiar or was on the list." He explains. I nod my head.

"I don't see a problem." I tell him confused on why he decided to come tell me this, 

"Right... good... um, I—" He sighs.

"Spit it out, Jayden." I tell him to do, he looks over at me.

"There's an Assassin downstairs... waiting for you. We don't know how she got in but she did. We didn't see her come in through the front or anything." He explains to me nervously, I sigh and stand up.

"I'll handle it." I tell him,

"I'm sorry, ma'am—"

"Jayden." I tell him sternly as I put my hand out, stopping him from talking, he keeps quiet which I'm thankful for as he was beginning to give me a headache, plus I'm really not in the mood to hear his apologises. "It's fine. Go." I order him, he rushes out of the room and shuts the door quietly, I grab my jacket and put my hand out for Kate to take which she does. I help her up and show her a way to leave, "There, you can go. I'll handle her." I inform Kate, she looks at me confused.

"What? No—"

"We're not handling her together." I state before turning around and heading back inside, I walk downstairs and see Yelena by the bar, she was ordering a drink, most likely to clean up a wound or something. I walk toward her and sigh, "Why... do you like to bother my friends?" I ask her with slight annoyance in my tone, I sit next to her and light up a cigarette before I begin to smoke. I blow the smoke in her face which she rolls her eyes at.

"Very funny, Y/n L/n. But I didn't know you were chummy with Kate Bishop." She says in a sing-song tone, I roll my eyes before I give her a small nudge.

"I'm not." I deny which she giggles at and points at my cheeks,

"I can see them getting redder." She points out, I grab her finger and move it down turning my head toward her.

"Yeah, because you're embarrassing me." I fire at her, she rolls her eyes.

"He killed my sister, Y/n—"

"He didn't do shit, and you know it. More than 5 people have the exact same story and you're gonna continue to believe a girl who you don't even know that well?" I ask her confused which she simply stares me down at, "Yelena, if you really trust me, you'd take my word—"

"Kate Bishop's mother... Eleanor. Don't trust her." Yelena informs me as she gets up and storms outside, a guy walked over to her but she shocked him with her widow thing. I scoff at this and leave him as I walk up the stairs and lock eyes with Kate. Great...

"What was that?" She asks me, looking at me as if I just betrayed her.

"I handled her. I got it from here. I thought I told you to leave." I tell her sternly before I continue to walk toward her, she went to push me but I grab her hand dodging the push and push her against the wall before I smack my hand next to her face and lean close, "When I tell you to leave, you do it." I state before I let out a collective breath and walk away into my office, shutting the door behind me. I walk over to my chair and take a seat. The door opens and I go to turn around to dismiss the person but when I see her. I can't bring myself to do it.

"I'm sorry but I got shoved off by Clint. I'm not letting you shove me off too." Kate tells me before walking towards me upsetly, I take her hand and pull her down, she sits on my right knee and I give her a side hug. She cuddles into me and I stroke the back of her head.

"Everything's gonna be alright." I tell her, "I'll make sure of it." I assure her giving her a small smile, placing a kiss on her forehead. She hums at this and rests her head on my shoulder.


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