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A/N: Hailee x Reader

This was requested by: Jazz_nash

Summary: You have a bad day at work and when you don't put your stuff away, Hailee shouts at you but you're sensitive and hate arguing which makes Hailee feel guilty and upset. Apologising endlessly.



Y/N's POV:

I walk inside and shut the door over immediately setting my bag down and hanging my keys up, I go and turn around to see Hailee looking at me angrily,

"What?" I ask her confused,

"I saw that you didn't do the dishes I asked you to put away, or put away your clothes I cleaned. Or put your bag away." She says pointing at my bag. I go to speak, "Don't. I'll just do it." She sighs out and goes to grab it but I take it and go to put it away, not wanting to make this work. "I said I'll do it! Do you not listen?" She asks me angrily, I set it down where it always goes and I look at her confused.

"I... I was just saving you a job—"

"If I wanted that, I would've asked you! Did I?" She asks me, I shake my head. "Exactly. So, you should've let me do it." She tells me angrily.

"I just— I just wanted to help, you seem stressed out because I didn't do what you asked, and—"

"Why didn't you?" She cuts me off, I sigh.

"Baby, you know I don't like it when people interrupt me. Can you please not interrupt me?" I ask her politely, sighing slightly as I really don't want to cause an argument.

"Oh, so, now I'm being the rude one and it's all my fault?" She asks me, I look at her with confusion, opening my mouth to speak. "Don't. You're honestly just being such a bitch today!" She groans out, my mouth falls open and I look at her hurt,

"Wha—? I... I didn't mean too..." I express to her upsetly, being hurt. Why is she saying such mean things to me? This isn't normally like her. She's normally so sweet and if I don't do something she asked me too, she'll confide in me but still be nice to me. What changed? What did I do?

"I don't care if you didn't mean too or not. You're just being annoying!" She complains, my eyes fall to the ground and I just walk upstairs to remove myself from the situation, I go into our room and get changed and when I dump them on the bed, Hailee storms in and grabs the clothes sighing and picking them up after me, 

"I was just—"

"Did not ask." She tells me sternly and walks away to put them away in the washing basket. I sigh and shut the door, today is so fucking shit. Is this seriously just hate on me day? Or something? Cause I swear, everyone just seems to be shouting at me. Why? Who fucking knows. I put comfortable clothes on and when I go downstairs, Hailee sighs. "I thought you would put on something nice?" She asks me, I look at her confused.

"W—What's wrong with this?" I ask her,

"We have my friends coming over, why would that be nice?" She asks me, I look at her hurt and feel a few tears fall from my face, I wipe them away and I grab the basket from her arms and go into the washing room, I do it for her and once it starts, I just shut the door and sit down, beginning  to cry. I hate being shouted at and I don't know what's going on with Hailee but it's as if she doesn't even want to talk to me anymore.

As if I'm just unimportant in her life now and I hate that, I hate that so much. She opens the door and goes to shout but once she sees me crying, she gasps and rushes over to me, going to hug me but I flinch at this. 

"Baby, I— I'm so sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I don't know why I said all of those things. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She apologises and goes to open her eyes before she notices that I'm looking away from her and sobbing, "I'm sorry, darling, please, let me make it up too you." She pleads, I just stay quiet and continue to cry as I'm in no mood to talk at all. She moves a little closer but doesn't do anything, she just stays there and tries to comfort me but I don't like people staring at me while I'm crying. I really don't. It makes me feel awkward and uncomfortable but I don't want to be mean and tell her to stop looking at me in case I annoy her again.

I rest my head on her lap which makes her legs rest down, she wraps her arms around me. 

"I'm sorry..." I mumble, I feel her body shake a little.

"I— No, no, please. You don't need to apologise at all. I'm so sorry. You look so beautiful. I don't know why I said that you didn't. You truly do look amazing, my darling." She tells me, I just ignore her compliment as it's probably not even true. Any compliment she ever gives me I always feel is a lie. It's not her fault but I just overthink a lot and I suck with compliments and never believe them.

"It's fine." I mumble under my breath and sniffle lightly before getting up and quickly wiping my eyes. "I'm going to get a tissue—"

"No, let me—"

"I got it." I tell her and I walk away going over to grab a tissue, I wipe my nose and sanitize my hands after washing them. I then grab another tissue to wipe my tears away. 

"Can I hug you?" She asks me,

"I don't.... never mind, sure..." I mumble, she wraps her arms around my waist and rests her head on my right shoulder not realising that my entire body was tense. She places a kiss on my shoulder. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so, so, so, so, sorry. I truly feel awful." She expresses to me but I try not to listen, I know that she's sorry I know that. But I hate arguing, especially with her. 

"I told you, it's fine." I dismiss her apology as I don't want an apology, not right now. I'm too exhausted and drained to even be dealing with any sort of argument or crying. I think she finally realises that I'm tensing my body and she removes her arms from me and pulls away from the hug, my shoulders slowly untensing and I let out a small sigh as I start to do the dishes.

I can feel her eyes on me and when I glance in her direction, her eyes rush away from meeting mines.

"Are... Are we okay—?"

"Yeah." I cut her off,

"Baby..." She sighs out, I shake my head.

"I don't want to talk about it, okay? And I told you... I'm fine." I tell her in a soft tone, she just nods her head and puts it off but when she walks away and goes upstairs to get changed into better clothes, I begin to start crying again.


Hailee x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now