"I think my mind may disagree"

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A/N: Emily Dickinson x Reader

Summary: Emily starts to think that her poetry isn't good enough so she goes to her best friend/lover for advice.

Inspo: Little Women (: I don't know why I've been obsessed with this film recently. It's just very comforting.

Thank you so much for 25k! I honestly can't believe all this love and support, I am so happy right now and you guys are amazing! Each and every single one of you, I swear! I love you all so much 😘❤️



Emily groans in frustration, she hates how she has writer's block, she's never had it before and she was slowly starting to doubt herself so, she went to the only person that she could think of that might help her. Y/n L/n. A female poet who was making her way through life and just so happened to be a good friend of Emily's. As well as a secret lover.

She grabbed her most recent papers and walked her way over to Y/n's house, once she knocked on the door, she waited a moment before she saw her best friend. She was wearing grey-ish pants with a white shirt and a blue vest. Her parents fought for women and so they let Y/n have a lot of freedom. Something that Emily didn't have.

Y/N's POV:

I feel a smile tug on my lips and I place my hands in my pockets and lean against the doorframe.

"Anything I can do?"

"I need your help." Emily tells me, from the look in her eyes, I can already tell that she's about to explode. I put my hand out and she grasps it before she lets out a small gasp once she comes inside my house. "Is that a new ring?" She asks me, I look at the ring that was on my ring finger and stare it down for a moment as it was my mother's.

"Yes, my mother gave it to me right before she died." I inform Emily and once my eyes meet hers, her face unsettles. "It's alright, Emily, honestly. Follow me. I'm finishing up in the library." I explain to her, she nods her head. I walk upstairs and head down the hall to the right, Emily following after me. "So, what can I do to help you?"

"First of all, I must apologise for your loss." Emily tells me, I turn around to her and walk backwards,

"Emily, it's fine. Us poet's must have to feel something now and then. No matter the good or the bad." I explain to her which she gives me a small smile. I walk over to the table and pick up my books as Emily sets down pieces of papers. "Are these more poems of yours?" I ask her with a small smile,

"Yes, but they are unfinished." She explains to me, my eyes soften at her words. I look over at her,

"Unfinished?" I ask confused, she nods her head.

"Yes, unfinished." She explains, "I can't seem to write anything else. I'm stuck. Trapped. My mind is blank and I'm... I'm afraid. What if I take a break and that break longs to never happening again—?" I place my hand on her cheek and place a kiss on her lips, she kisses me back and after a moment or two, I pull away.

"You are a poet, Emily. I know you. You can't take breaks, and I know that in your mind right now, it may be frozen but as soon as you break out of that ice; you will be back to being your amazing feet and writing your poetry that means something." I express to her, she smiles at me as she places her hand on my right cheek and rests her forehead against mines.

"I don't see that happening for a while."

"You have me to remind you of your beautiful poetry and I'm sure that even what is unfinished, is still true poetry." I assure her and place a kiss on her forehead before I turn to the papers and read all of them, I keep my hand on her cheek and when I turn back to her; I give her a reassuring smile. "It's good." I breath out, "It's really— I just... I can't even think of anything to say." I continue to tell her which she lets out a small giggle,

"I think my mind may disagree." Emily informs me, I look at her surprised and give her a challenging look before I make a small discovery. My face unsettles for a moment and I let out a small scoff, and move back, I grab one of the papers and I walk over to one of the lanes and flip the poem upside down.

"What're you—?"

"If you can't look at it normally, look at it from a different angle. That's what my mother always told me." I explain to her, she walks beside me and I remember the words of by heart, I shut my eyes and Emily forces her eyes shut before she slowly opens then and snatches it off of the shelf and rushes over to the desk and begins to write again. I smile and watch her from afar, she looks so intent when she writes. "I see the young poet has crashed through the ice." I point out, a teasing smile forming on my lips. Emily quickly finishes writing and she turns around to me, I wave at her.

"Can I ask you something?" She asks me, I nod my head and walk toward her.

"Of course." I say softly, she looks down at the ground before her eyes met mines again,

"Do you ever... feel as if your poetry isn't enough? You're words aren't strong enough to persuade people you care?" She asks me as she stares at me intently, I look at her with a small smile as that's all I've ever known to feel like.

"To be a poet, you must feel everything and anything." I recite the starting of one of my poems, she smiles lightly. "I feel as if my words are meaningless and aren't going to be ever as good as others." I explain to her and grab the book that I was reading, I look at the book before my eyes slowly fall back and meet Emily's.

"No one can write as good as you—"

"I believe you are mistaken, Miss Dickinson. As you're poetry is far more beyond than I can ever imagine." I express to her as I place on hand in my pocket and the book in the other, I walk over to the large bay window and Emily immediately follows after me. She sits across from me,

"Well, you're the actual poet."

"Right now. But I imagine that when we are gone, I will be long forgotten and you will be Miss America's best poet." I express to her as I open the book once again and continue to read, Emily moves the book down however and places a kiss on my lips. I kiss her back but feel her pull away from it a few moments afterwards.

"In my eyes, you'll be better than any poem I've ever written. I don't need to say anything, you read me with ease." She expresses to me, I smile at her, a weak one but still a smile. She makes me smile even though I haven't smiled in days because of my mother's passing. "You should never doubt yourself." She adds,

"You doubted yourself nothing but a moment ago and now your telling me not to doubt my self?" I ask her, a small smirk tugs on my lips as she just hovers her lips over mines. Both having smiles on our faces. I rest my forehead against hers, and let out a small hum. She joins in and I move my legs apart and open my arm, she cuddles into me, her back against my chest as I begin to read to her. Reciting the words that were on the page in front of me as Emily traced her fingertips along my free hand. Her sometimes moving up my forearm.

Moments like these I appreciate dearly as I rather find being around Emily makes me a lot happier, she's someone that I love and care for deeply. I never wish to have a second without her and if it were up to me, I'd marry her in an instant. Let her publish whatever the hell she wanted. She knows this and I'm glad she does, I wouldn't want her to doubt my love for her.


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