Birthday Visit

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Y/n lives far away from Hailee and when Hailee begins to miss her and her birthday is a few days away. Y/n decides to surprise her for her birthday with the help of Ella.

Thank you sm for 223-225k! You guys are absolutely amazing <3



Y/N's POV:

It's late at night but I'm used to it, I'm playing Last of Us 2 since I haven't played a video game in a while since I've been busy with acting and photography on the side but now that I finally have some me time. Some time for me to just... relax. Enjoy the world that I'm in that has so many flaws, however, there is this one girl. This one girl that makes my heart flutter, Hailee Steinfeld. My girlfriend. I know. Girlfriend. My mind is simply blown away by how I've managed to pull this off—

I hear my phone go off and when I look down, I see that Hailee is facetiming me. I grin at this and answer then set my phone off,

"Hey, baby." Hailee greets me, I smile at her.

"Hi!" I exclaim with excitement. "How is your morning going?" I ask her, she shrugs lightly.

"Mhmm, I don't know. I have a fitting later today, I think you'll really like the look that I'm going for." She informs me, I turn the game off and just put relaxing music on so, I can focus on Hailee.

"Oooh, can you tell me?" I ask her, she shakes her head with a wide smile on her face. "What? Oh, come on. Is it seriously a surprise?" I ask her; she nods her head.

"Yes! It is." She giggles out, I smile at her and just hum to the tune.

"Are you having a good morning?" I ask again, she nods her head.

"Yeah! I'd say so. Did you have a good day?" She asks me, now... I don't know if I should tell her the truth; I had one of the worst days I think I've ever had but at least I'm not in hospital like last time, now, you may be wondering; how'd you survive it? It was because I knew that Hailee would've called me, like she does every morning, and I don't want her to get worried and not to be able to help and feel like it's her fault.

"Um, it was fine." I answer, glancing at her and giving her a fake smile which she believes.

"What'd you do today?" She asks me, I chuckle at this question.

"Literally nothing. Just read; took my dog, Milo, out for a walk, played video games— oh, when I took Milo out, I stopped at a bench and read for a bit. It was nice since it was a little cloudy and stuff. So, that was nice. I got back; went for a shower, wrote—"

"You wrote?" She asks me, I sigh lightly and nod my head.

"I did." I answer, she smiles widely.

"Can I hear something? Or do you wanna send it since you're still too nervous to say it out-loud and hate when people read out-loud?" She asks me, I laugh at this.

"I'll send it, plus, it's better. It means you can come back to it." I express to her, she nods her head lightly.

"That is true." She giggles out,

"Okay, let me go grab my poetry journal." I tell her, I stand up and go over to my desk, I open the top drawer and pick the journal up. I shut the drawer over and go over to where I sat down and opened the book to the page where I last wrote. I grab my phone and begin to type it out, I send it to her and just sigh lightly before setting my phone down.

Hailee x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now