"Here we go... again."

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A/N: Hailee x Reader!

Backstory: Y/n got invited to her mother's wedding but Y/n never told Hailee as she didn't plan on going but once she finally goes, Hailee fitted in but Y/n still hadn't gotten along with her mum and it wasn't until she went that she realised that it wasn't actually that bad thanks to a certain guest.

This is a long chapter by the way and I will be doing a part two of this, so, I hope you enjoy.



Y/n arrived home to see Hailee laid down on the couch watching a movie intently however her gaze diverted away from the TV and onto her as she heard Y/n shut the door,

"Baby!" Hailee exclaimed as she pushed herself up and off of the couch, she rushed over to Y/n and wrapped her arms around her neck tightly which made Y/n laugh slightly,

"Hello, darling. It's good to be home." She sighed out thankfully, she placed her bag on the floor and continued to hug Hailee. The two pulled away and Hailee desperately needed to talk but Y/n quickly spoke before she could talk. "I have something for you." Y/n hummed out with a huge smile on her face,

"Ooh, really?" Hailee excitedly exclaimed, Y/n nodded her head.

"Yes, ma'am. Close your eyes, you will feel something on your head and I believe that you will look beautiful." Y/n expressed which made Hailee smile widely,

"Ok, I'm trusting you." She teasingly chuckled out as she pointed at Y/n with her eyes narrowed. Y/n giggled at this and nodded her head.

"That's all I ask, love." She softly breathed out to her which made Hailee's heart warm up slightly. She shut her eyes and released a small breath. Y/n reached in her bag for the surprise and heard movement and a plate clatter.

"What is that?" Hailee questioned.

"N-Nothing! Nothing. Just ignore... that. Uhm, cover your ears. Please?" Y/n pleaded which made Hailee chuckle.

"Ok, since you asked so nicely." Hailee sarcastically replied before she covered her ears, not feeling what Y/n had placed atop of her head that rested comfortably. A plate was set on the counter. She felt Y/n's warm-ish hands remove her own hands from her ears.

"Open..." She breathed down her neck before placing a kiss on her neck. Hailee opened her eyes and she turned the mirror to see a beautiful flower crown on her head, she smiled widely at this.

"Wow... It's so beautiful! Where did you get this?" Hailee asked as she turned around to face Y/n, blind to the surprise that was on the kitchen counter.

"I was teaching and when it was my lunch, I decided to go out with a co-worker. You know Hannah."

"Yes, and loathe her." Hailee grinned out jealously, she hated how Hannah always flirted and complimented Y/n. Y/n was hers and the two were both the jealous type but in denial of it. Y/n chuckled,

"Well... when I saw this flower crown, I knew that you would look adorable so, I got up and told her to wait for a moment before I went across the street and paid for it. I thought you'd look divine and I was right. You look absolutely amazing." Y/n explained and complimented which made Hailee blush, she looked down; knowing that if she did look up, she would be teased.

"Thank you, Y/n. This... is very thoughtful."

"Really? I was a little nervous that you wouldn't like it because it's not like... I don't know. I just— I don't know... I just was a little unsure if you would like it... I guess." Y/n nervously expressed which made Hailee smile,

Hailee x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now