"Hi... again..."

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Hailee meets a girl at the bar after an exhausting day and end up hooking up, it turns out to be a one-night stand but two months later, they both bump into one another after getting the role of playing a couple.



Hailee's POV:

I walk into this bar that I've heard great things about but from the first looks, nothing looks that bad but not good either, sort've just your average bar. I sigh at this and run my hands through my hair, parting it and walking over to the bar; shuffling over here and there as it was hard to get through and past some people.

I finally sit down and just sigh lightly, I order my usual drink then grab my phone and go on it, I get my drink and pay for it, thanking the bartender. I look around to see a lot of guys looking at this one person, this one girl.

What made her stand out?

Probably the fact that she looks beautiful as hell, got a good sense of style, although she seems to be a little sweaty, she doesn't look like the type of person able to say 'no' but when I look around again, everyone sort've seems to be waiting. As if they have a turn.

I feel bad for her. It sorta seems like she's this trophy and slightly used. I see the guy that she's dancing with, whisper in her ear and she shakes her head and immediately tries to walk away but another guy goes up to her asking. She says something and the guy looks upset but understands, she walks in my direction and sits down, sighing, out of breath. She orders simple water. I know, a shocker.

"Hi." I greet her, she turns to me and gives me a light but tired smile,

"Hey." She replies, "Haven't seen you around here before and I know everyone..." She hums out, squinting her eyes to probably try to remember if she's seen me which is unlikely. "either your new or just visiting." She tells me, I nod my head.

"Visiting." I answer, she hums at this and puts her hand out.

"Y/n. Y/n L/n." She introduces herself, I take her hand and shake it. Smiling lightly.

"Hailee." I tell her, her eyes widen slightly,

"Ah... well, Hailee, it is very nice to meet you. I hope you feel welcome here." She wishes, I smile at this, okay I can see why every guy likes this girl. She is very sweet. I could be a... killer for all she knows and yet she's welcoming me with open arms.

"Thank you, that's so sweet." I tell her, chuckling lightly. Y/n shrugs lightly, a smile tugging on her lips as she just nods her head lightly.

"It's the polite thing to do." Y/n replies lightly. She hears a glass set down and turns to the Bartender, "Thanks, Joe. How much is that?" She questions,

"Oh, it's on the house." He tells her, sending her a small smile before walking off; she shrugs at this and begins to drink with a straw, she turns her head to me while she continues to drink, she hums lightly and removes her lips from the straw, swallowing the water.

"You want a straw?" She asks me, I giggle at this and nod my head.

"Sure, why not." I giggle out, she looks around and leans over, looking around and finds the straws, she hums and her eyes light up slightly; she picks up a straw and picks up a Purple straw,

"Want a purple straw?" She asks me, I nod my head. I do quite like purple.

"I'd love one." I tell her making her smile widely, she sits down back on her chair and hands me the purple straw, I take it, "Thank you." I thank her, placing the straw in my glass and taking a small sip. "So, Y/n L/n, how was your day?" I ask her, she scoffs at this.

Hailee x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now