"she's just a kid-"

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

This was requested by: LyraHarris9

Summary: Y/n came home angry and stressed as you and Hailee have a 16 year old daughter who is pregnant and Hailee calms us down.



Y/N's POV:

I let my daughter, Alison, go first inside the house and when she does. I go in after her and shut the door sighing, the door slamming causing me to jump slightly.

"Baby, what did we say about slamming doors?" Hailee tells me off from the kitchen, I let out a small groan and lock the door before walking into the kitchen with Alison. She's just washing the dishes, acting as if our daughter didn't get pregnant at 16. I mean come on, she's 16. If she wants to keep the baby, of course. Like yes, yes, I don't mind that but it's because she's still a kid! I want her to have a family but this young? Seriously? I mean I was dumb at her age, and I've had this scare before but it didn't actually happen! What are we gonna do? Plus, this stupid boyfriend of hers is so dumb and can't even hold a job for more than a week!

"Sorry." I mumble under my breath and open the fridge door, I grab a bottle of apple juice and shut it over sitting on the counter away from Alison as I just take a small moment to think; Hailee takes a break and dries her hands and turns to Alison.

"Well? Is it true?" Hailee asks her softly and calmly. Alison nods her head and begins to start crying again, "Ohh, baby, come here." She tells her, I go to move but see that she's talking to Alison. Alison walks over and cries in her arms. I hate that she's upset and I want her to be happy... I really do. "Have you thought about anything yet? Have you told Jackson?" She asks her, Alison shakes her head. "Okay, we'll give you some time to think, no rush." She assures her and places a kiss on her head. "I love you." Hailee tells her with a wide smile on her face as she moves Alison back slightly and wipes her tears for her, Alison chuckles at this lightly.

"Thanks momma, I love you too." She tells her, before looking at me; I can feel her eyes on me and I don't like it. I mean I love Alison, I do. I really do. I just hate having eyes on me. I'm not good with eye contact and Hailee knows this; I hear Hailee sigh lightly and she turns to Alison whispering something to her, Alison leaves and heads upstairs and Hailee walks over to me, "Come on, darling, you have to loosen up—"

"She's 16." I cut her off, looking up at her but not meeting her eyes, I tend to realise that I look at her nose because then it looks like I'm looking at her eyes. Hailee knows this and thinks that it's a smart idea. "Hailee, she's just a kid—"

"I know but we have to be there for her, it's scary for her." She expresses to me and places a hand on my cheek, kissing my forehead before pulling back and sighing lightly. "I know you're worried about her growing up and leaving us, you just want your daughter to stay young but we can't hold her forever. Of course we're gonna be there for her for the rest of our lives but we can't keep her in this house and not let her experience the real world." She explains to me, I sigh at this as I've heard this speech so many times, especially from my dad when Hailee was pregnant with Alison, he specifically told me that when she grows up and spends less time with me and Hailee that it will hurt but she'll come to me when she wants and knows that I'll be there for her. 

I just want her to stay my daughter, I just want her to stay young and her not to shut me out. We used to play sports and play games all the time and whenever she would have a friend problem or a friend who is a boy problem, she would tell me all about it. We're like the best friends, she and Hailee are my best friends but now, she barely tells me anything. She barely wants to play sports or games anymore. She doesn't wanna spend anytime with me anymore.

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