Introducing me

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Thanks to user79391218 for the idea <3


Summary: Your Ella's little sister and you go to hang out with her on the cast of Dickinson and immediately click with Hailee.


Y/N's POV:

"This is gonna be so boring, I don't know anyone there." I complain to my older sister, Ella, who was taking me on set to a show she's in, Dickinson. I mean I should be honored and I am, I just am way to tired and I just got rejected from a role that I adore so, I am by no means in the mood to be out of my room.

"Come on, you'll have fun!" Ella tries to tell me, I scoff.

"Fun?" I ask, she nods her head.

"Yes, don't be a big sad ol' baby." Ella giggles out as she cups my chin, I hit her hand away and groan as I look out the window.

"I don't know anyone here. Who am I gonna talk too?"

"Me." She answers,

"Well what if you're doing a scene and I'm not allowed to be there?" I ask her, she glances at me then let's out a small sigh.

"I mean it. Just try and enjoy it and if you really do hate it, at lunch I can drop you off or I can get you a taxi home." She offers, I nod my head slowly as I eat the McFlurry she bought me. I really do love McDonald's. 

"Are you sure I'm not gonna bother anyone?"

"You never bother me, so, you should be good." Ella tells me, not assuring me at all. I roll my eyes and continue to eat.


We arrive and we go straight to Ella's room as she's getting into costume, I wait outside and I'm on my phone and I have one AirPod in as the other is in my hand, I'm scrolling through songs until I feel eyes on me. I look around and see the queen herself, Hailee Steinfeld.

"Hi...?" She tells me, she's probably wondering what I'm doing outside Ella's room.

"I'm Ella's little sister. She dragged me along here." I explain to her and her eyes widen.

"Oh, my God! Ella's told us all about you. Hi!" She hugs me, which surprises me but I hug her back; a small smile tugging on my lips.

"Hi." I reply, we soon pull back and she smiles.

"I can really see Ella in you, wow." She breathes out, I nod my head.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." 

"Y/n, you better not be bothering anyone!" Ella shouts through the door, I roll my eyes and put my index finger up and open the door just a slither.

"Shut up and hurry up, my feet hurt." I complain,

"You've barely done any walking." Ella tells me, I scoff.

"I went from my bedroom, to downstairs, to the car. That is more than enough!" I exclaim and shut the door moving back, I turn to Hailee hearing her giggle.

"God, I love you two already." She giggles out, I let out a small chuckle.

"She started it." I mumble and lean against the wall, "Oh, by the way, love the show. You are killing it."

"Aww, that's so sweet. Thank you so much." Hailee thanks me, I give her the best smile I could find and once I see her slightly blush, I grin at this. "So, what do you do for a living? Tell me all about you Y/n Hunt." Hailee tells me, as she looks at me intently. I give her a small smile.

Hailee x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now