Introducing me 2

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A/N: Hailee x Reader






Y/N's POV:

As much as I love kissing Hailee, I had to pull away.

"Wait, wait, wait. I— Should we be doing this?" I ask her confused, she lets out a small gasp before she covers her mouth,

"I—I am so sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to latch myself onto you, it—"

"No, it's okay—"

"No, really. I'm not usually like this. I swear—"


"No. I'm stupid. I'm so sorry—" I cut her off by placing a kiss on her lips, she kisses me back and I pull her close to me so she doesn't fall, I entangle my hand with hers and slowly pull away from the kiss after a good moment or two,

"Hailee, I mean it. It's fine. I just— you're my sisters friend and I don't know if she would want her best friend and her little sister to date." I explain to her, she nods her head understandingly.

"Well... I—I won't be so sure of that..." She mutters quietly, I look at her confused.

"What'd you mean?" I ask her slightly confused, she lets out a small sigh, almost as if she's having a mental battle with herself, debating if she should tell me, "Hailee?"

"Okay! So I texted her because I knew you were with her. And when you were gone, she asked... a few questions about us..." She explains to me, I slowly nod my head.

"Okay, that isn't so bad. What type of questions did she ask?"

"Mostly just if anything was going on between us. She didn't seem to mind it, well, she actually sort've encouraged it." She explains to me,

"So, what you're telling me is Ella doesn't care?"

"...I guess..." She mumbles, I place a kiss on her lips before quickly pulling away and kissing all over her face which she giggles at as she wraps her arms around my neck, I tuck my head into her neck and begin to mark her neck, her hand moves up into my hair; slightly tugging on it as she moves my head back, "Y/n..." She mumbles which I chuckle at,


"Ella... she's waiting outside." She informs me which makes me pull away from her neck, I look into her eyes.

"Well she isn't exactly standing outside the stall, is she?" I ask her which she giggles at,

"You know what I mean." Hailee tells me, I tilt my head from left to right,

"Yeah, but do I care?" I ask her and shake my head lightly, "Nope." I tell her and go back to marking her neck, she moves her head to the left giving me more access as she lets out a small breath that turned into a nervous chuckle.

"Y/n... we can't continue right now. Ella is—"

"Waiting, I know." I tell her pulling away for a moment and kiss the nape of her neck, I pull away after a moment and sigh, she just turns to me and gives me a smile. I place a kiss on her cheek and move, I open the door and head out; Hailee following behind me. I open the door and let Hailee go first, I see Ella waiting on us and sighs.

"Finally! Gosh, you two took forever." She complains after letting out a light giggle, I chuckle lightly.

"Mhmm, sorry." I mumble before we all begin to set off. Hailee joining us as Ella wants to continue our little shopping bonding type thing together.


I was on the verge of finally falling asleep when I hear a knock on my door, I groan in annoyance and grab a pillow putting it over my ears. The knock happens again and I sigh, removing the pillow.

"What?" I ask tiredly. The door opens and I see Hailee which confuses me as I didn't know that she was here, "Hailee? What're you doing here?" I ask her confused, my face furrowing in confusion.

"I need help." She tells me which worries me, I pat on the spot next to me, she comes in and shuts the door quietly. She walks over and crawls on my bed, she cuddles into me and I place my arm on her back giving her back rubs.

"What's wrong, love?" I ask her and she lets out a small hum as she tucks her head further into my side.

"I miss you, and I'm so stressed out with work." She complains, I place a kiss on her head as it's only been 5 days since we last saw one another which was at lunch.

"I miss you too, but talk to me about work. What's stressing you out?" I ask her, letting out a yawn afterwards. She begins to rant about work and how stressful it's been, with her having to wake up early, arrive, remembering lines, song lyrics for songs popping into her head at the least convenient time that she wouldn't be able to write down and when she can, it would've already left her head.

"As much as I love acting, I just want a break... I mean my fans have been waiting patiently for music since forever and I really like song writing and—"

"Hailee, what do you want?" I ask her as everything that she's done, it always leads back to her fans. I mean I'm glad that she's happy and that she has fans, but she's not really doing anything for her.

"What do you mean?" She asks me,

"I mean like once you've wrapped up, Dickinson, are you gonna take a small break? Are you gonna go straight into something else? Are you going to music? What?" I ask her,

"I—I don't know... I guess I'll probably go back to writing, cause I feel like I haven't done it in ages and I'm sure the fans—"

"Don't think about them for a moment, think about you. What do you want to do once you've wrapped with Dickinson?" I ask her cutting her off, she looks up at me and shrugs lightly,

"I—I don't know..." She mumbles, "haven't really thought about it."

"You deserve a break, my love. You're fans wouldn't want you stressing out. They'd understand." I say to her softly, as I move my hand up her neck and into her hair, beginning to give her head scratches; she hums softly and hugs into me more which I didn't think was possible.

"This is nice..." She breath's out softly, I place a kiss on her head.



"Thank god, me too. Right, it's settled. We're going for a nap." I say and quickly shut my eyes and almost immediately fall asleep.


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