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A/N: Hailee x Reader

This was requested by: Thira_Hale95

Summary: Y/n is just having a day where you feel tired and exhausted, can barely keep your eyes open and Hailee sort've just carries you around everywhere.


By the way, this is just describing how I feel right now, others might not.

Here we go!


Y/N's POV:

I wake up to feeling Hailee place a kiss on my cheek then on my lips, I kiss her back tiredly, feeling my eyes not wanting to open as they felt so heavy. She pulls away and I pout at this,

"Noo, come back." I tell her and wrap my arms around her waist, resting my head on her chest. She chuckles at this.

"I'm not going anywhere, love." She tells me, I hum at this and continue to snuggle into her, my eyes still not daring to open. They simply couldn't. I didn't have the energy too. I've been working so hard recently to the point where my body aches and I feel so exhausted all the time. Even a day off won't help. Why? I'd like too know to. I feel Hailee nudge me lightly, "Baby." She mumbles quietly, I nod my head.

"Mhmm?" I ask her,

"You gonna wake up? You haven't moved or let me moved in, like, the last hour." Hailee giggles out, I sit up and slowly open my eyes but flinch at the sunlight. I groan and hide behind Hailee.

"God, can we turn the brightness down?" I ask her making her laugh. "I was being serious." I mumble under my breath, she chuckles at this.

"Everything will be alright in a minute or two." She assures me, I scoff at this and just let out a small sigh. 

"I don't wanna get up..." I complain. 

"How come?" She asks me, her head turning to me. 

"I just feel so exhausted... all the time. I feel so tired... all the time. I can't—" I let out a small sigh and face away from her as I don't like talking about my feelings, especially when feeling watched. "I can't handle it all, I just... I don't want to move." I express to her, she places her hand on my back and begins to rub my back; she turns over and wraps her arms around my waist and hugs me from behind. I lean into her touch and turn to her, tucking my head into her neck.


Hailee gets up to go to the bathroom, but I stand up on the bed and jump onto her; she catches me and I hug myself, being a koala and just hugging onto her. She giggles at this and brushes her hair, puts her natural make-up on and brushes her teeth. She holds my head up and grabs my toothbrush, she wets it for a second and puts toothpaste on it before soaking it again for another second or two before helping me brush my teeth.

"Come on, spit out." She tells me, I spit into the sink and try to keep my eyes open but I feel my head fall forward; she catches my head and rests her hand under my chin and holds my head up. "Oh, baby... you really are tired, huh?" She asks me, I nod my head.


I help her cook but not helping her physically, I just tell her what to do while still clinging onto her.

"You not gonna hop down and help?" She asks me letting out a small chuckle, I give her a small smile.

"I would but—"

"No, no, I know. I know." She tells me softly, "I'd rather you rest." She whispers to me; I let out a small hum at this and just sigh in relief. I'm glad she understands. "What do I do now?" I take a long inhale before I open my eyes and look around, 

"Alright, you're going to want to walk over to the water and boil it." I explain to her, she nods her head and pours water in the pot and I tell her when to stop; she walks over to the stove and 


I look up at the ceiling just thinking as Hailee hugs into me fast asleep, I rub her back and place kisses on her head here and there while I continue to think; just think. A feeling that would appear here and there would come and I'd just freeze, a warm but odd feeling tightening in my stomach whenever I thought of something slightly deep.

I can't wait for Hailee to wake up so I can ask her an important question because in my mind, it's important to me. After a good 25 minutes though, I feel her stir awake,

"Hailee, Hailee, I have a question." I tell her, she hums lightly. "Say if a person who writes and a non-writer are in a relationship, do you think that the way how the writer gives the non-writer pleasure and how they express themselves is through their words and the non-writer returns it to the writer by actual sex and desire?" I ask her, hoping to hear an answer and slight hope for a deep conversation. She sits up and looks at me.

"What?" She asks me, I explain it again, "Oh! Oh, right. I get you." She tells me, she thinks for a moment and lets out a small hum thinking, "I think that... wait I'm assuming the poet would write sort of like, love poems and stuff?"


"Then yeah, I think that the poet's like love language is through words of affirmation and if the non-writer's love language is physical touch, I think that the sex can be just beautiful."

"Sex can be a lot of things. It can be the best thing for a person to be able to do with another, and others don't see the big deal about it, others go out and like the thrill of that boldness and exposure to someone and leaving them the next morning only to do it all over again. Others might not like it, some might. Others might feel uncomfortable during sex, others might not. Everybody's got an opinion on everything. Some may have good opinions, some might not. Just depends on who you ask." I express to her, she just smiles at me.

"You're adorable." She tells me, showering me with affection. "Now come get some sleep, you look like you didn't nap." She sighs out, I nod my head and immediately shut my eyes and rest my head close to her.


Sorry, this is the best I can do. I'm just really losing patience with everything at the moment. Posts might slow down by a bit

Hailee x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now