⚠️"I tried..."⚠️

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A/N: Kate x Reader

Summary: Y/n - as Spider-Women - finally realises how hard it is to be Spider-Women and the choices that it takes and when she goes against someone, it puts her to the test and once it's over, she goes to her spot and Kate goes and finds her.

⚠️Spoiler warning⚠️: A HUGE! Spoiler of Spider-Man: No Way Home

I'll tell you when to play the song.




Y/N's POV:

I swing my way on top of a building and look around as I try to figure out a plan on where my target/ ex best friend: Issac. He used to be nice and we used to be joint to the hip, but then he moved away and had to go to a boarding school. He came back to New York and created destruction so, I gotta save New York before he messes it up.

I look around and crawl down the wall that was at the back of the building, I crawl over to a open window and climb inside, I'm on the ceiling and look around trying to figure out what is happening. It's quite an old building, very dusty which makes me want to cough as there's a weird smell as well. 

I look around and when I hop down, I go toward a corner, but once I turn it; I feel my senses warn me, I quickly turn around and see a guy with a gun, I web the gun and pull it toward me, it shoots out of the guys hands and I take out the ammunition and set it down,

"Now, sneaking isn't very nice..." I hum out before I move my arms up and use both web shooters at the wall, I pull myself up and jump through the small hole and swing back from behind and kick the guy in the back making him fly into a wall, I land carefully and chuckle lightly shaking my head. "Little sneak." I chuckle out lightly before I crawl on the wall and up onto the ceiling, I begin to crawl my way further down as I try to listen out for anything. That was until I get to the second last floor, I hear commotion, I stop and listen in.

"We haven't got time! Do we?" I hear someone exclaim angrily before something ruffled. A small groan was let out from the person's mouth, "I need this to be perfect! It will... be perfect!" A manly voice continues on to exclaim, my face furrows in confusion,

"What the..." I mumble in confusion, I crawl toward the commotion, sneaking in small corners of the wall as people would come in and out and make sure that no one was there. I sneak attack a few of them which made me smile lightly, I sneak into the room and see Issac, he seems angry.

"I think that our guest has arrived." Issac spoke softly to the person next to him before he turns to me and sudden force pushes me against the wall creating an indent in the ceiling, I try to wiggle my way out of this sudden force; groaning.

"Nice seeing you here, Issac." I tell him sarcastically, trying to catch a breath. I feel his hand move down, and I fall onto the ground but quickly web the ceiling and swing toward him, I wrap one arm around a guy next to Issac and swing in front of him before kicking him far away, I dodge a punch and I go to punch Issac but he grasps my hand and moves it down before sending me a right hook. I fall to the ground before he goes for a kick however I grab his foot and spin around making him fall, I web his foot and the ceiling making him shoot up toward the ceiling, I make my way through his people, knocking them out one-by-one before I feel someone land on me and us falling a floor down. 

I let out an exclaim in massive pain as the floor that we were just on began to fall around me and Issac. I try dodging a few but I was in massive pain and feel Issac tackle me to the ground and turn me around, he cackles as he moves his face close to mine, I try to fight my way out of his grip and stop his blows but he unleashes on me, I grab his fist and kick him up making him fly into the floor above, I web up and before he can fall; I pull him toward me, as he comes toward me, I kick off the wall and flip, making my leg further out which landed on Issacs back and makes him fall onto the floor underneath. I jump down and walk my way toward him before he pulls a lever and electricity begins to light up and it was as if he had spray-painted the whole inside building.

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