"okay... so, maybe this is my fault..."

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A/N: Nadine x Reader!

Backstory: This is when she texts Nick and goes on the date with him, Y/n is with Darian and Krista cause she got forced too!


Here we go!


Nadine was seated in the passenger's side, biting back the smile. She had been so attracted to Nick since what felt like forever, she couldn't help but smile and force her eyes shut as everything just seemed to perfect.

When they arrived, she quite liked the view but where he parked blocked the view as a container was right in front of them, she hummed. Nick turned the car off and the radio still played, her phone had started to buzz as Y/n was calling her.

"Well... this is a nice view." Nadine joked which made Nick chuckle lightly as he nodded his head and stared at the wheel before the two stared intently into one another's eyes, Nadine hoping for Nick to make the first move and Nick hoping for Nadine to make the first move.


"Look you know what to do, I'm not gonna be an asshole and tell you." The beep went as the voicemail started, Y/n ended the call and hit the dashboard angrily,

"Fuck! Will you just answer Nadine? Shit!" She exclaimed as she tried to call her again,


Both Nadine and Nick turned to look at one another at the same time, both plastering dumb smiles on their faces. Nick turned back to face the wheel before he took a sharp inhale,

"I love this song." He said before he turned up the volume, Nadine nodded her head to the music, a small grin on her face.

"It's really good." She breathed out. The two looked back at one another and she took in a huge inhale, the two looked away from one another only for their eyes to meet once again, Nick realised that he had to be the one that made the first move, so, he moved closer and closer, the chair making some noise from how his movement as Nadine kept her eyes on him. He glanced down for a moment before he met her eyes again and inched even closer, he placed his hand on her cheek before the two's lips finally met with one another. He pulled back and Nadine immediately looked at his lips then at him. "I can't believe this his happening." She softly said as his thumb stroked her cheek lightly, a warm feeling brought to her. "There's so much that I've wanted to tell you and ask you. And I just can't believe this is happening." She expressed but Nick started to move her seat down which took her slightly aback and surprised. "Um..." Nick started to imitate the seat which made Nadine chuckle nervously. Nadine behind his seat and then back at him, still moving down slowly. "Oh, wow, this just keeps going back, doesn't it?" She asked him to which she earned a small look as he climbed on top of her and slowly lowered himself down, his lips hovered over Nadine's for a second before they connected.

One of the first things that he does was move her denim jacket out of the way and grope her boobs as they continued to kiss. The kisses were small but grew progressively passionate. He kissed her neck however she had no reaction to this at all, he progressively moved his hand down trying to make his hand to her thigh without her noticing however for Nadine. It was as if at the smallest movement, she would notice. He moved her dress up slightly and pulled her pants down,

"Pull this down." Nick muttered to himself as it was one of the first things he had said from when they parked,

"Oh, God." Nadine cleared out, "I... I don't know if..." She tried to say but he continuously cut her off with quick but 'passionate' kisses, to the point where Nadine panicked.

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