Taken care of

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

This was requested by: LyraHarris

Summary: Y/n is Hailee's girlfriend and Y/n comes home in the middle of the night with a black eye and beaten up from the bullies at her university and she comforts you and takes care of it.



Y/N's POV:

I walk in quietly and shut the door trying to make no sound, it's like 4am and the reason why I'm back so late is me and my boss – me being their assistant – are working together to try and get a business extension, they wanted me to create 4 different plans, not similar plans and I couldn't leave till I showed her every idea and she liked them which took about 5 tries, hence why I'm late home and when I was walking home, I saw the bullies at my university.

Little fuckers. I hate them so much. They don't even hate me for a valid reason. The main girl: Vanessa, is because I didn't go on a date with her and the rest? Who fucking knows. Probably just following the leader instead of being independent and making choices for themselves.

I turn around and let out a small scream to see Hailee staring at me with a light,

"Jesus, you can't be doing that to me." I tell her placing my hand over my heart and sigh in relief, I let out a small chuckle. "God, you... you really scared me." I chuckle out nervously hoping that she wasn't annoyed at me.

"How come you were back so late?" She asks me worriedly.

"My boss was being a little bit of a bitch, telling me I couldn't leave till I gave her 4 good ideas and it took about like 5 tries." I explain to her, she sighs in relief.

"Okay... come here, I want a hug." She tells me, I can still feel her panic and I rush over to her, hiding my bruised and beaten-up hands and face. I tuck my head into her neck. She giggles at this, "What's gotten you all happy?" She asks me,

"Well, I just really missed you, y'know? Like... really, really missed you." I tell her placing light kisses all over her neck making her blush.

"Okay, okay. Come on, let's get you ready for bed." She tells me,

"Oh, you just go. I'll be there in a second—"

"You are not leaving my sight after making me wait over 6 hours." Hailee tells me and tries to look at me, but I don't move, "Let me look at you." She tells me,

"What? Why?" I ask her trying to act unsuspicious.

"I wanna see my baby." She tells me, I scoff at this.

"I—No, no, I don't think that's necessary. You... You know what I look like, like what've you got? Dementia or something?" I jokingly tell her, trying to make a joke which she doesn't laugh at.

"Y/n L/n you have 5 seconds to tell me why you are hiding your face otherwise I will cut your dick off and put ants in your bed after feeding the ants your dick. Now show me your face." She tells me sternly.

"God, what's with the violence—"

"5." She starts, I sigh and rest my forehead on her shoulder. She looks at me and sees the bruised eye, she gasps, "Baby, what happened?" She asks me worriedly placing her hand on it, I take a sharp inhale.

"Ay! That hurt." I tell her moving my head away, I look over at her and she gasps seeing my whole face. "Oh, come on, it's not that bad." I try to assure her,

Hailee x Reader One-ShotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum